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Three Months Later

"So are you gonna tell me where we are going or not?" Red asked Arthur.

"Just wait and see," Arthur said slyly all while keeping his eyes on the path ahead of them.

Red just huffed in reply.

The two were riding through the small forest near Camelot castle, on an unknown destination. Only Arthur knew where but he insisted on keeping it a secret till they got there. All he could say was that it was someplace special. Which only made more curious about it.

Three months had passed since the "incident." Jacob along with one of his goons (who was the other mouse Merlin kept in the jar) had been taken in for trial. It took awhile but they were able to get Jacob to admit to planning to overthrow the royal, murdering an innocent civilian, and kidnapping (it helped that a truth potion was slipped into his food).

After that he was the two werewolves were taken away and were shipped off to high security prison on Obsidian Isle. As for Lewis he somehow disappeared right after his uncle's defeat. Not even the village knew where he had gone.

Red assumed he must have left with his tribe to who knows where because there have been zero werewolf sightings since then. To be honest, she was a bit sad that he was gone. Despite his annoyances he was still a good guy and he went against his uncle's orders and let her go. All she could that he and his people would find a place where they could be accepted.

As for her though, she wasn't going to push people away anymore. However, she still kept her werewolf side a secret. The only ones who knew being her family and friends. As well as Arthur and his family now too.

A month after Jacob's arrest Red and her family paid a visit to White Kingdom. She really enjoyed catching up with Snow and reuniting with Uncle George.

Red made sure to see Arthur and he her. She was so glad to see him finally taking on his duties as crown Prince.

The King and Queen weren't t exactly thrilled learning that their eldest son was in love with a werewolf. However, after seeing how much they cared for each and that Red was a kind girl and smart girl they soon gladly accepted her. Pretty soon they considered her one of the family.

It also helped that her mother and Arthur's had instantly hit it off. Apparently, Queen Eleanor had also been trying to matchmaker her sons. Now the two were constantly meeting up for tea and chatting about future wedding plans for their children.

Red would be happy for that if they weren't already talking about wedding plans for her and Arthur.

Despite that though, she enjoyed being with Arthur. Everyday felt like an adventure.

Just like today when Arthur suggested this sudden ride through the woods. Red would be happy about this if Arthur weren't so nervous at the moment. He wouldn't even respond whenever she trie to talk with her. Sure he appeared calm but Red tell it was a facade die to how tightly he was holding to Axle's reins. What was up with him?

After awhile they finally stopped and he jumped off and turned to help.

"Ok, now are you going to tell me where we are?" She asked.

"Just look," he said, gesturing to the front of them.

Red turned and gasped at the sight before them. In front of them was a little clearing with a huge beautiful garden filled with colorful blooms.

"Judging from that look I'm guessing you are impressed?" Arthur asked, looking at her playfully.

"Impressed doesn't cover what I'm feeling," said Red. She turned to him. "It's amazing! What is this place?"

"My mother's flower garden," explained Arthur. "She loves flowers very much so father had this made especially for her. He gifted it to her as an early wedding present before their wedding. Since then it's been a special place for them."

"That's pretty romantic," she said, surprised to hear that coming from him. "Ok who are you and what have done with Arthur?"

"Very funny," he said. Suddenly, his smile turned into a frown. "Listen Red, there is something I have to tell you. Something important."

"What is it?" She asked, concerned.

"I got a letter from Merlin."

"Are he and Snow alright?" She hoped nothing bad happened to her best friend.

"Don't worry they are fine," he assured her. "You see Merlin had a visit from the fairy princess."

"Moth?" Red asked surprised. Well that explained why Arthur was tense. Even after the curse was broken he still felt a mutual dislike for the fairy princess.

"I know I was surprised too," he replied. "The reason why is tell Merlin that he and I need to go to Violette."

"Violette? Isn't that your friend Jack's kingdom? Why would she tell you to go there?"

"According to her, Jack is there and he needs our help. Apparently, he is in big trouble."

"What are going to do?" Red asked.

"Well, I for one still don't trust the lady but Merlin insists we go. A part of me can't let him go alone you know."

"I know," she said.

"However, there's another part of me that doesn't want to leave you," he said turning to her sadly. "Not after I just found you and all."

"I get that too," she said, placing a hand on his. "However, one of your friends could be in danger. So I think you should go with Merlin."

"You sure?" He asked.

"Of course. After all, if Snow I would go and save her in a heartbeat. So I'm ok waiting until you return. Just promise you won't fall for any pretty Violettan girls ok?"

"Don't worry," he said with a smile. "That won't happen."

"I hope so," she said. "Because I can still tear you to pieces you know."

"Oh, I know," he said with a laugh.

"So, is this why you were nervous?" She asked. "If so why did you bring me here?"

"Well that's partially why I was nervous," he asked. "As for the second question we'll that's a different answer."

Red's confusion changed to shock as saw him take her hand and go down on one knee.

"Red, when we first met I thought you were the most beautiful girl I ever saw. After getting to know you more I see that's true both inside out. So now I ask you as not a dwarf or a prince but a man in love: Will you marry me?"

Red smiled as she pulled him to his feet.

"What do you think?" She asked, pulling him into a blissful kiss.

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now