Chapter 1

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Present Day

"Red! It's time to get up!" called the voice from behind the door.

Gwendolyn Hood, mainly known as 'Red,' yawned as she removed the covers from her bed and got up after hearing the familiar sound of her mom's voice.

"Wake up Davey," she said with another yawn to the little white bunny who had been with her for four years sleeping on her bed. Davey let a little yawn and and have a little stretch as well.
Red stretched her arms as she walked to her small mirror over her dresser, Davey following.

Looking she saw a face with messy hair and hazel eyes that looked as if they needed a good nights sleep reflected back at her. Which she didn't, not with her unending "hereditary problem."

Red sighed, used to her early just woken up appearance, as she grabbed Davey and went over to pour water in her basin and they both splashed cold water on their faces, waking up more fully. Once that was done she went to window and opened it poking her head out and taking a breath of  the fresh morning air.
She also smelled scents from the village of Edwelweiss nearby, even though it was a few miles away. Fresh baked bread and pastries from the bakery and flowers from the florist. She even loved the smell of the river which ran under the bridge in front of her cottage. Despite having to get up she always enjoyed this part of her morning.

Red then turned back to her dresser, Davey hopping up on top, and brushed and neatened her honey colored hair with her hairbrush from her nightstand. Luckily it was short so it didn't take long and was easy to maintain.

Taking a look at the mirror at nodding once at her now neat appearance, she started pulling open the drawers, took out her clothes, and got dressed.

She put on her favorite light teal dress and black boots, finishing up her her usual red riding hood (the reason she was called "Red"). The hood's color was red as blood and clasp at the neck was tied with a purple bow. It was old and was mended over the years but it was her favorite because her grandmother made it for her when she was younger.

Once dressed and ready (with extra approval from Davey who gave one paw up before jumping onto her shoulder), as well as making her bed, Red went and opened the door and went downstairs. They went to the kitchen where her mother was setting bowls of warm porridge and a plate of carrots for Davey on the table, where her grandmother was sitting.

"Glad to see you are finally awake," said her mother, Rosalind jokingly, turning to her.

"You know I always am," she said with a little laugh in reply.

"I know," Rosalind replied, giving her daughter a kiss on the cheek and Davey a stroke on the head. "Good morning sweetheart."

"Good morning mama," she said back,
heading over to give her grandmother a kiss. "Good morning Granny."

"Good morning sweet," her grandmother said back. "How did you sleep? Good this time I hope?"

Red sighed as she sat down in her seat and reached for her bow of porridge and Davey's carrots. "Oh, not good as usual," she said with a shrug and started eating. Davey immediately let out a rabbit version of an excited squeal and immediately dug into his veggies.

Meredith just nodded silently and patted her hand, already knowing that without having to hear it. Having raised Red's father since infancy, she was used to this this in their family.

"Oh, Gwenny," said Rosalind as she sat down. "Another letter came for you from Snow."

"Oh great," said Red, unenthusiastically "Another one."

"What's gotten into you?" asked Rosalind in surprise. "You're usually excited when getting a letter from your best friend. Especially one you haven't replied back to in months. Now you are acting as if she wronged you. You even refused to attend her wedding and she even asked to be her maid of honor."

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now