Chapter 48

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Red felt a stab of pain in her head upon regaining conciousness. She tried to pull her hand up to rub her head but realized she couldn't move it. Immediately, opening her eyes she turned and saw that her hands were bound with rope behind her like they were in Prince Average's camp. Only this rope was wound tighter than the one before if that was even possible!

"I see you are awake."

Red turned in surprise to see Jacob standing before her, a smirk on his face.

"Jacob?" she said. "What is-" She froze as she suddenly remembered. Jacob (who was that werewolf that tried to attack her two days ago) had arrived at her home along with Lewis and two others. Upon her finding out his identity he had captured her, her family, and Snow. Before she could ask what he planned to do to him he knocked her out.

The big question now where they? More importantly, where were the others?

Angrily, she turned to Jacob with glared. "What's going on?" she growled. "Where am I?"

"Calm down my dear," Jacob said calmly. "I'll answer your first question. As for the second, all you have to do is look."

Red's gaze followed to where he pointed, her anger turning to confusion. For she found that they were in front of an church. It appeared small, old, and looked like it needed a new coat of white pain but seemed well kept.

"A church?" she asked, turning back to him. "You brought me here for service? I hate to break it to you bud, but it's not even Sunday."

"Oh, we are not here for service," answered Jacob. "The truth is we are here for a wedding."

"You really think my mom will marry you after trying to kill and now kidnapping me?"

"That woman? Don't make me laugh," Jacob scoffed. "The wedding I'm talking about is yours."

"Mine?" she asked staring at him as if he were crazy. "To whom?"

"Why to my nephew, of course."

"You've got to be kidding," she said. Unfortunately, it appeared he serious. "Seriously?"

"I hope you are ok with a small wedding without the trimmings," he said. "I would have planned something far more grand with your family but due to some circumstances we had to something quick and leave them at your house. Don't worry they will be fine. For now though, we have the essentials: the minister and the groom. All we need is to have you walk down the aisle which I plan to lead you down myself."

"How thoughtful," she said sarcastically. "Nice as that is though I'll have to politely refuse."

"How sweet you think you have a choice," Jacob said, looking at her as if she were a child. "However, refusal is not an option here Gwendolyn."

"Why me?" Red asked.

"Because you two are both werewolves of course."

"How did you-" she started to ask before Jacob finished for her.

"Knew you were a werewolf?" He laughed. "Oh please, I could sense it the moment I met you. Your scent is a little different from a regular werewolf's but similar all the same. I knew i had to add you to my tribe"

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now