Chapter 39

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Red stared in awe at the room she was standing in.

It wasn't because it was the bedroom of a princess. After all, she had been in Snow's bedroom countless times.

However, that was nothing compared to Princess Moth's. For hers looked more spacious and grand.

Like the castle the room was made of moonstone with high carved arches everywhere. There was some oak furniture (a nightstand, couch, and armchair) looked like it was made out of vines. Some had cushions and pillows that looked like flowers! There were even more blooms strewn everywhere in garlands.

At the far left wall hung a swinging bed in the shape of a rose in bloom, with a canopy made of sheer gossamer over it.

This was a room fitting for a Fae princess, no question!

So lost in awe she forgot she wasn't alone until the princess spoke.

"I'm guessing this is your first time in a princess's room?"

"Actually, no," replied Red, unable to take her eyes away from the room. "However, this is first time being in one belonging to one who's a Fae. It's exquisite."

"I wouldn't say that," the princess said. "To be honest, it's the simplest room here. You see my sisters though. Their's are far more grand than mine."

"What?" Red asked, turning to her in surprise. How could any room be more grand than this one? "You're kidding!"

"No it's true."

"What do theirs look like?"

"That answer is better seen and not explained," the princess said. "Besides, we are not here to talk about rooms. Let's get you ready. Girls!"

The last word she called out to the door and in came a four female Fae. Two were fairies like the princess and the third a faun. The fourth also appeared a fairy but of shorter stature.

"You called for us, your highness?" Asked the one of the fairies.

"Yes Aethera," the princess replied. "I would like you all to meet my new human friend Red. Red, these are my ladies in waiting and my dearest companions: Aethera, Haydee, Fern, and Lina."

"Um, hi," Red said, greeting them awkwardly.

The four greeted them her fondly back. They all appeared calm to have a human in their midst. This probably wasn't their first time meeting one either.

"Red here is my guest for the festival," continued the princess. "So I'd like you to help her get ready along with me."

"Oh, no please you don't have to," said Red. "As I said before I am already dressed."

"That may be, and the dress is very nice by the way. However, festivals here are more grand so that dress won't do. Also, no offense but you kind of need a bath."

Hearing that Red sniffed her arm then covered her nose soon after. The princess was right. She really could use a bath!

"I'm glad you agree," the princess said, her a brief smirk before turning to the others. "Could you four go prepare a bath please?"

"Right away," said Aethera, and with that the four headed off to another door in the room. Which apparently led to the washroom.

Soon after Red found herself with the princess her bath tub (which was more like an indoor pond), being thoroughly scrubbed and washed by Fern (the faun) and Lina (the small fairy). It felt more like being tortured than cleaning. They didn't even stop until she was fully clean.

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now