Chapter 36

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This time Red did jump upon hearing the unknown voice. What was it with people popping up out of nowhere here?

She turned to see a tall male Fae with fair skin along with silver hair slicked back and a matching mustache. He almost looked like a regular human like her except for the pointy ears and bushy fox tail.

It also was obvious from the uniform that he was servant. A footman perhaps? Whoever he was, he didn't seem happy to see them from the stern look on his face.

"Who are you people and why are walking around here?" He demanded. "This is a castle not a- oh sir Felix and Sir Greg!"

Red was awestruck as the Fae anger switched to surprise. Just like the two guards before. Also, again with the "Sirs? What was going on?"

Before she could ask, the Fae spoke. "It's a pleasure to see you both again? Are you here to see their Majesties? Is Master M with you as well?"

"A pleasure to you as well, Featherstone," said Felix. "Master M is not here so it's just us and yes, we are here to see them."

Red had to stop herself from laughing. This guy's name was actually Featherstone?

"We also brought some friends as well," Greg added, gesturing to the group. "Actually, they are here to see her."

"I see," said Featherstone, an awkward look on his face. "How nice. However, their Majesties aren't seeing anyone today. So I'm sorry but you will have to leave."

"Leave what do you mean? Aren't visitors allowed until three?"

"Well, usually but today is the first day of the annual spring celebration. That is when they only do a few meetings so they can close early and focus on attending the festivities."

"What about after that?" Red asked. "Maybe we could meet her tomorrow?"

"Unfortunately, that's not possible. All official meetings are postponed until the the celebration. Which is the first day of next week to be exact."

"What?! That's too late. Can't you convince them to make time for us? It's very important that I speak to her you soon. Today in fact."

"That would be going against their Majesties orders and I can't do that."

"I don't think you understand sir" Explained Arthur. "This girl is suffering serious problem that only the fairy queen can solve and it needs it to be done today."

"He's right," agreed Phillip. "So maybe you could make an exception?"

"Yeah please?" Asked Reggie.

"For us?" Added Greg.

The Fae sighed. "Alright. Their majesties are in a good mood so I guess I can see what I can I do."

"Really?" Red asked.

"Yes, but only because you are allies of Sir Felix and Sir Greg. Now follow me and don't touch anything."

With that he led them all the down the hall to a set of large doors. There he told them to wait outside while he informed their majesties.

"Please wait here. And please no one touch anything." He said stared sternly at Greg (who looked a little nervous) as he said this last part.

"What was that about?" Phillip asked as soon as the Fae left through the doors.

"Oh nothing," replied Felix. "He's just worried because last time Greg broke a very special case of the Queen's."

"I just admiring it ," said Greg. "How was I supposed to know it would be so heavy?"

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now