Chapter 23

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"Ok, who are those guys and why did they take Red?"

"It's a long story," Arthur said to his brother, not taking his eyes off the falcon in the sky. "For now just follow that bird."

He, Phillip, and Red's bunny were currently racing through the forest on Axle. They following Reggie, who was leading them to where those behemoths were taking Red.

After hearing that she had been taken by Average's twin goons he had his brother immediately set off after them, with Reggie tracking the two from up high. That way they know would where to follow.

Mainly they only saw trees and bushes. It was until a few hours later until they caught sight of the twins, who were heading into a what looked like small campsite.

Arthur then told Phillip to stop a little way away and then head into the trees so they wouldn't be noticed. There, once Reggie landed and joined them, they got off and walked slowly toward the campsite and hid in some nearby bushes.

Now that they were closer to the camp, Arthur could see that it was definitely the Prince's. For the tents looked far too elegant and over the top, just like their owner.

There were also a few soldiers, not a lot but at least six or seven. Which was weird because when Average showed up at him and his team's hideout he brought nearly enough for a whole army! So that made Arthur wonder why Prince would only need a few if he was planning on capturing him and Red, and why did he want her in the first place?

He was broke out from his thoughts when he soon caught sight of the twins and Red. They stopped in the middle of camp and were looking around, as if waiting for something, or someone. Red was still flung over the spiked ball handed one's shoulder, hands bound with both mouth and eyes covered.

"Ok, now can you tell me who those guys are and what's going on?" Whispered Phillip to him as they were crouching down to spy on the camp.

"Those two are Prince Average's bodyguards," explained. "And from the look of site and soldiers, this is definitely his camp."

"Ok, and how you know him?" Phillip asked, confused. "You and the F7 barely know the guy, and always refuse invites to his parties. Although, that isn't surprising since the guy's a complete and total loser and his parties aren't that great either."

"Let's just say he tried to force us to give him a girl he claimed was a criminal (which she was totally not). We refused and it ended in a big battle between us and his soldiers. Even though we won in the end and they all fled, he is still looking for us so we can tell him where to find her. He even put up those posters and everything."

"Yeah I saw a few of them in the last town I passed," commented Phillip. "But wait those mention trolls not dwarves."

"Yeah," said Arthur. "Apparently, that's his rude nickname for us, because of our... you know."

"Yeah, I know," said Phillip. "But that still doesn't explain why he wants Red. After all, why would a guy like him want with a regular girl with no title? Other than her beauty of course."

"He doesn't. That's the thing," Arthur replied. "But it seems he is working with someone who does. We just don't know who."

Before either of the two could say anything else a very familiar voice shout, "There you two are! What took you so long?"

Arthur would recognize that shrill scream anywhere. Only someone as lame as Prince Average would have a voice like that.

However, when he turned to see the speaker his eyes grew as wide as saucers!

Little Red Riding Wolf (Book 1 of Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs the Series)Where stories live. Discover now