Valentino 91

359 36 23

"This is Minute Mess, I am your gracious host Lee Jayson and I'm ready to spill today's HOTTEST tea... okay so before we get into the tea for the day we got some BREAKING NEWS!!! Now, this is all ALLEGED but I have some very reliable sources that tell me some thangs about an up-and-coming R&B sensation and the MYSTERIOUS death of his ex-girlfriend. Now the rumor in deez streets is that she didn't die from sickle cell as previously reported... but that this particular R&B singer who is currently on the chitlin circuit violently RAPED and then BEAT his girlfriend to death. He also had the record label he's signed to cover it off with a huge payout to her family to keep quiet. Now you KNOW the DARKIE that he's signed to, whose initials happen to be ZP isn't a stranger to controversy, he's been known to kill off his artist *cough* Young Mon *cough* so he could get with his latest boy toy *cough* Yuri *cough* so I wouldn't be too surprised if Val... this artist did kill his girlfriend OR have her killed. Again I have no evidence of this but my sources know him very well and they will be looking into the death of this young girl and we here at Minute Mess will be screaming #Justice4Jasmine until the truth is revealed." I stood there.... I couldn't even say I was pissed because that couldn't fully encapsulate the extent of my anger right now... I was feeling MURDEROUS as tears rolled down my face at this BLATANT LIE!

"Tino, don't give that nigga any attention... you know he lives for drama with celebrities, that's how he makes his money." Carter said sensing how close I was to booking a flight down to Miami where the dude lives and beating the life outta him.

"Bro I don't fuck with NOBODY!!! I perform and I take my ass home.... For that dude to use Jasmine as a way to attack me... not just attack me but destroy my character..... You see this shyt?" I asked showing him Twitter where my notifications were blowing up and Justice4Jasmine was trending.

"Tino....." Carter said but I jumped up and walked off, once I was somewhere quiet I called Dro, who didn't answer so I kept calling his ass until he picked up.

"Look can I call you back? I'm kinda busy at the moment...."Dro said and I heard a bunch of yelling in the background, normally I would've given him the space to handle his business but....

"Dro, you're supposed to be my manager, not only that but you're supposed to let me know when shyt like this is going to come out.... so what the fuck!??!?!" I asked heatedly.

"Wait... what's going on....." Dro asked confused.

"Fuckin useless...." I said hanging up. I was probably going too hard on Dro but I was fuckin heated and I was... it was 16 degrees outside and I was sweating, that's how mad I was and I was seriously thinking about killing that nigga. A rumor like the one he was spreading.... that could and would hang over me like a cloud for the duration of my career... there was a good chance I would never recover. My phone started ringing and I saw that it was Vince.

"BRO WHO THE FUCK IS THIS NIGGA LYING ON YOU?!??!?!?" Vince said when you're upset the worse thing you can do is talk to someone who was more pissed than you were because it just added to your anger.

"Some bitch ass blogger who doesn't seem to understand who he's fuckin with....." I said pacing around until I felt some of my anger dissipating. "Look, man... let me handle it, focus on what you're doing out west... I got it...." I said not wanting to drag Vince into my drama. "Ayy look this is Dro... I'll call you later." I said switching over. "I hope you're handling this." I said before he could get a word out.

"I saw... man I know it's fucked up but you can't feed into it, I've dealt with this dude in the past and he lives for drama... that's how he makes his money." Dro said.

"NIGGA!!! If this was a rumor that I got my ass beat or something I would ignore it but this is something much worse... he's accusing me of being a fuckin RAPIST AND MURDERER!!! THERE'S NO FUCKIN COMING BACK FROM THAT DRO!!!" I said getting pissed all over again. "Do your fuckin job!!!" I yelled into the phone.

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