Ricardo 39

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I adored Alejandro's family, his mother was the sweetest person I had ever met, his father worked his ass off to provide for his family and he was funny as fuck. Amaury's laidback persona was always good to be around, Amaury just had this calming presence that was much like his older brother, I could even deal with Adrian because he was just a scared kid trying to find his place in the world and Rico was like the annoying brother I never had. His dad's family were always welcomed in our home.... but those De'Leons..... they were nothing but trouble the whole group of them; Tristan was batshyt crazy, Tristan's older brother Emmanuel was starting to calm down some but he was crazy as well and the newest one Amor he seemed like he was the craziest one of them all. I didn't want to leave New York but I refused to have our son around them, Tristan was up to something and getting Julio away from them was my main priority. I wanted Dro to come with us but I knew he wouldn't leave, he wanted to see what his uncle was planning and I knew there was nothing I could say to convince him to come with me.

"Are you all packed up?" Alejandro asked walking into the room, his face was healing for the most part but it still broke my heart every time I looked at him. This was another reason I hated Tristan.... though I had no proof I knew he was behind what happened to Dro and them.

"Alejandro.... you don't have to stay. You can get Adrian and we can go to Houston together, besides what purpose will you staying here serve? We both know you won't kill Tristan and it's not in your DNA to snitch, so tell me why are you staying here." I asked touching his face.

"Because I gotta believe that I can stop whatever his plan is, I know my uncle and if I appeal to his loyalty to family I think I can reach him.... I know Tristan won't do anything to hurt me...." Alejandro started to say but he could see the skepticism in my eyes. "Look I'll handle it... and I promise to have you and Julio home before Thanksgiving in a couple weeks."

"You put too much faith in family Dro.... that's one of the reason I love your ass, it also drives me crazy." I said kissing him, I hated kissing him because his lips just.... let me put it this way whenever we kissed nine times outta ten it ended with his tongue in my ass or my lips on his dick. "Fuck...." I said as my phone started ringing and I saw that it was De'Cari calling. "I gotta take this...." I said managing to get away from his grasp but I could feel Alejandro on my heels. "Sup De'Cari?" I asked trying to ignore the feeling of Dro's lips on my neck.

"Ayy I talked to my boy and he feels that he may have overreacted in his decision not to work with you, if you're free he's willing to meet you later on today." De'Cari said and now I was torn because that was a lot of money I was leaving on the table and I was all about my money.

"Go... I'll finish packing up Julio's stuff and when you get back we can spend one last night together as a family." Dro said taking a step back, I wasn't stupid Alejandro was going to use this as an opportunity to get me to stay and if I wasn't trying to add some more money to my bank account I'd turn it down.

I took a shower and got dressed, Alejandro was sitting on the couch watching cartoons with Julio while Adrian was texting someone on the phone. I grabbed my jacket and was about to head out the door when Adrian stopped me.

"You mind if I ride with you? Stefano wants to meet up before he leaves for that three-game road trip he's going on and I owe him an ass whoopin in Call Of Duty." Adrian said and I shrugged, to be honest I really wished they'd stop playing already... Adrian was still dealing with Rockstar, who was still dealing with Trish... I had seen that situation play out too many times and I knew Adrian was going to be the one who ended up getting hurt in the end.

We made our way to New York City in silence, I could tell Adrian had a lot on his mind but I wasn't one to pry, so I'd wait until he decided to open up to me instead of forcing it. As I drove I noticed Adrian was stalking Rockstar IG page and I could tell he was getting pissed at all the pics of Rockstar with that girl Trish.

"Would it be fucked up if I were to fuck that nigga Stefano? Clearly Shymere is committed to his fake ass relationship with that bitch so what would you do if you were in my position." Adrian asked.

"Do you want the answer from old me or current me because they are two completely different people?" I asked.

"Both..... so far you've been the only person who doesn't treat me like a kid so why not give me both and let me figure out the best course of action for myself." Adrian said and I nodded.

"New me wouldn't put Stefano in that position, he seems like a good dude.... a little soft but there's nothing wrong with that; he might be just the person you need to balance your crazy ass out. But I would cut things off with Rockstar.... obviously dude doesn't care about your feelings because if he did he would've have agreed to this shyt in the first place. Now old me would scorch the earth, I'm talking leaking sextapes of me and Rockstar, letting it be known that their relationship is fake, and then once he's good and pissed I'd rip his heart out by sending him a video of me suckin another dudes dick." I said realizing that old me was still in there somewhere.

"I'll think about it because something's gotta change.... I'm not about to sit around while this pussy ass dude makes me look stupid in front of the entire world." Adrian mumbled and like I've said Adrian reminded me a lot of myself, only he was even more ruthless and that was a scary thought because if Rockstar didn't get his shyt together I could see this going from simmering to a nuclear explosion....

"You're late...." De'Cari said as I walked into the building, I shrugged because as far as I was concerned De'Cari's boss was on my time. He requested meeting me and not the other way around. "You couldn't put on a shirt?"

"No... I have shyt to do after I leave here." I said looking down at my white beater. "You should've told your boss that I'm not really the suit and tie kinda guy."

"Nigga I don't give a fuck what he thinks about your beater, I'm the one who has an issue with it. Do you see my arms? I'm skinny as fuck and you got me feeling a little insecure." De'Cari said laughing and in all the years I've known him insecure would be the last word I would use to describe De'Cari.

"Whatever, I got somewhere to be once I leave here so I hope he makes this quick." I said as we stepped into the elevator. We got to the top floor where we were greeted by a small white man with a weasel face, he shook my hand eagerly and I noticed his eyes subtly shift to my dick.... Great he was one of those rich old white men who lusted after younger dudes.

"Mr. Brewer, I'm so glad to meet you... I apologize for that little mix up but the feds make me nervous but after talking to De'Cari and one of my top clients I've reconsidered." The man said and I glanced at De'Cari who was fixated on the carpet. "If you'd follow me my client is waiting......" He said walking ahead of me as soon as he turned around I punched De'Cari in the arm.

"De'Cari who is this 'client' he keeps mentioning?" I whispered and De'Cari acted like he didn't hear me, see this is why I couldn't stand his ass I felt like I was being set up and I was about to turn my ass around and go back home to my family. We walked into the room and sitting at the desk was Pierre Copeland.... dude had been a running back in the NFL for seventeen years and over everyone could see his decline. When he got injured last year a lot of people expected him to retire.

"I'll let you two talk..... De'Cari can you follow me please." Mr. Weasel said walking out the room leaving me with Pierre.

"So I heard you asked for me directly....." I said sitting across from him.

"Yeah, you're the best personal trainer in the country and if anyone can help me achieve my goal it's you." Pierre said looking at me and I nodded. "Look I'm going to be honest with you.... I'm desperate, I know my window is closing and I want my last year to be my best that's why I've come to you. It's going to take someone who is going to push me to be my best self..... I can't retire without a ring." Pierre said quietly.

"I'll have to think about it, normally I'd jump at the chance but given the current situation going on in my personal life I'll have to weigh all options." I said leaning back in the chair, there was A LOT of money on the table but also my child's safety, no amount of money was worth putting Julio in any sort of danger and now that Amor was in town I really need to get Julio to Enzo.

"I say you do it primito." A voice said and I turned around to see my big cousin Lorenzo standing at the door, I started putting pieces together and realized that I was going to have to fuck Dro up when I got home because I knew he was the one behind my cousin's sudden appearance......................................

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