Ricardo 40

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I sat across from Lorenzo, wondering a million things at once but the one that I kept coming back to was how he was able to eat some much food in such a shorts amount of time. He had ordered five different things from the menu and every single plate now laid completely clear as if he had licked every single plate clean, it was both fascinating and horrifying to watch. Another point I kept coming back to was why he was here, I pretty much assumed that Alejandro had called him to convince me to stay and if that was the case I was fuckin both of them up. I glanced at De'Cari who was staring at Enzo in amazement, as my big cousin finished his fifth and final plate before picking up the menu again. If De'Cari was apart of this scheme I was going to fuck him up as well because it seemed all too convenient that Ricardo seemed to know exactly where I'd be and instead of coming to the house he was at that meeting. As Enzo scrolled through the menu looking for his next meal, me and De'Cari's eyes met and he shrugged as if he was just as confused as I was as to why my cousin was here.

"Let me get the Molten Caramel Lava cake, in fact, let me get two; one for now and one to go." Enzo said to the waitress who seemed nervous about reaching for the menu out of fear that Enzo might bite off her hand as well. "So Primito, what's going on?" Enzo asked but I was too distracted by the spinach that was stuck in his teeth.

"Could you like...." I said pointing to his teeth and Enzo checked his teeth through the reflection of his phone. "Thank you, now what are you doing here Enzo?" I asked as he stared at my plate hungrily.

"Well what happened was all over the news, I would've been here the day it happened but Zyshaun said he'd handle plus Ace had a fever and I couldn't just up and leave until I knew he'd be aight." Enzo said and I gave him a brief synopsis of everything that happened and once he finished he nodded. "Which is exactly why Julio should come back to Houston with me and you should stay here with Dro." Enzo said as if that was an easy solution.

"Enzo.... I'm not letting Julio go off on his own, where ever he goes I'm going to be right there with him." I said trying to remain calm.

"Ricardo, do you honestly think that Julio won't be perfectly safe with me? Tristan may be crazy but he's not stupid, it would be the biggest mistake of his life to come to Houston. And if you truly believe he's not really interested in Julio, that his ultimate goal is either Adrian or Dro don't you think it's in the best interest of JULIO to send him somewhere he'll be safe?" Enzo asked and it was kinda hard to take him seriously when his eyes kept shifting from my plate to De'Cari's.

"Did Alejandro put you up to this?" I asked passing him my plate because it was really difficult to have a serious conversation with him lusting over my plate the way that he was.

"Nah... I mean we've talked but he felt that it was best if you and Julio came down to Houston, me I'm on the other side of that coin. I feel like you should be with your dude, stick by his side, he's going to need you here." Enzo said as the waitress brought his Caramel Cake. "You trust me right?" Enzo asked.

"Absolutely." I said reluctantly.

"Dro, is a good dude with a savage soul.... he'll need someone here to keep him from making rash decisions. It kinda reminds me of Zyshaun, Khalil, and myself; I was the one who kept Khalil's worst impulses in check, Zyshaun was the one who brought them out... we balanced each other out and if Dro is just left here with Trigger Happy Rico....." Enzo said letting that thought linger in the air.

"I don't wanna have this conversation here, I think that Dro needs to be involved in this conversation as well." I said as the waitress brought over the check, I slid over the check over to Ricardo; it was only fair considering that he was the one who ate the most and plus he was my big cousin.

We got back to the house and Dro was sitting on the couch with Julio; Julio was sleeping with his damn mouth open looking so much like Dro that it was kinda scary. Dro's head bobbed back and forth like he was on his way to sleep as well but when he saw me and Enzo, he quickly tried to play it off like he wasn't about to be in here knocked out and snoring like a grizzly bear. I didn't say anything to Dro, I just gently picked Julio up and carried him up to his bedroom while Dro and Enzo started talking about something.

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