Rockstar 22

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I wasn't feeling Sweetpea's plan, I wasn't feeling it at all, it wasn't me I couldn't be fake... it just wasn't in my DNA but at the moment I was kinda stuck, Sweetpea had already agreed to it and had even leaked the story to a few blogs. Apparently, my cousin thought it was a good idea to put me in a fake relationship with some rap chick to advance both our careers and before I could object he had already set up and gotten paid for me to do a few events with her.... I was heated to say the least because this fucked up everything that I had going on with Adrian, and I knew that if he found out that I was in a 'relationship' he wasn't going to go for it, that was another thing I loved about his stubborn ass once he made up his mind about something he wasn't changing it without some massive persuasion. I've tried calling him all night to let him know what was going on but for some reason, he wasn't picking up and I was starting to get worried, either he had found out about Sweetpea's plan and he was pissed or something had happened and he couldn't answer....

"This is Evil Evelyn and I'm here with one of music's brightest rising stars, we got Rockstar in the building....." Evelyn said and I'm not going to lie this woman scared me, she was beautiful; everything from her deep brown skin, to her bangin ass body.... but them eyes, them eyes told me that if a nigga did her wrong she'd have no problem pulling a Lorena Bobbitt. "So tell the people where you come up with the name Rockstar?" She asked.

"When I was in third grade, I used to always stand on the table in the lunchroom and start singing to impress the girls and one of the teachers called me Rockstar and it just kinda stuck." I said shrugging.

"Now let's get down to the nitty gritty, I've heard from a very reliable source that there was an altercation between you and up and coming star Valentino, so what exactly happened between y'all?" She asked glancing over in Sweetpea's direction basically outing her source.

"Nah me and him are coo... we've met a few times and there has never been any issues between us, so wherever you're getting your information from is false. Look I'm not in the beefing business... I make music and this whole narrative that's about to be painted that there's an issue between me and Valentino, I'm deading it now... There is no beef between us." I said and I could tell that Evil Evelyn didn't like my answer but whatever I wasn't about to fuck up what I had going on because of Sweetpea.

"So I want to get into your personal life a little bit.... I've heard rumors that you and a certain female rapper have been getting cozy, what's the deal with you and Trish?" Evil Evelyn asked and I looked over at Sweetpea who was damn near pleading with me to go with it but I thought about Adrian and I couldn't do that to him, even if it was a fake relationship just acting like me and Trish were dating was disrespectful in my eyes. We finished the about forty-minute interview and I was pissed, as we walked out to the car Sweetpea rented I made a few moves that I felt were long overdue.

"Shymere do you know what you've just done? You possibly just lost us about three paid club appearances and a potential collaboration." Sweetpea said and I looked at him and shook my head.

"Bruh... you're fired. I can't keep letting you make these dumb ass decisions on my behalf without consulting me, you're my manager but I'm not paying you to set me up in fake beefs and fake relationships. I got you a ticket back to South Carolina and I'll be more than happy to give you severance pay but I'm done....." I said looking in his eyes.

"You don't mean that shyt Shymere, you're just pissed because the interview didn't go the way you expected and you're worried about your little friend back in New York." Sweetpea said and obviously, he was missing the point.

"I can either have your stuff sent to you or we can set up a time that you can come and get it." I said and I could see the anger starting to build in Sweetpea's eyes.

"And what about all the deals I got lined up for you? Are you really going to throw away what we're building because you're in your feelings?" Sweetpea asked angrily.

"What we're building, or what I'm building and you're benefitting off of? Because the way things are looking from my side of the fence is that every move you make benefits you and hurts me. What does being in a fake relationship with some rap chick do for me? What does beefin with that nigga Valentino do for me? What does any of your scheme do for me and my career?" I asked looking at him and he stood there speechless. "Exactly my point... it doesn't do shyt for me, it all benefits you, in the end, Sweetpea.... so like I said you're fired." I walking off.

"Hold up, hold up, hold up...... this has never been about me Shy, you have no idea the things I've done for you at my own risk, shyt that I never told you about because it was never about me but for you." Sweetpea said.

"Let me know when you're able to come to get your stuff." I said hopping in my rental and drove off leaving him standing in front of the radio station.

By the time I got back to my hotel room I had thirty-nine missed calls from damn near everyone in my family, I already knew what they were going to say, they were going to shame me for firing my cousin and preach to me about the importance of family and how God will.... blah, blah, blah. I walked out on the balcony and looked out to the ocean, Adrian came to my mind and I really wanted to call him but at this point he must've seen all my missed calls and I wasn't about to keep trying to call him if he was going to ignore me, but even as that thought crossed my mind I pulled out my phone and started to call him but my mom started called me and I had already ignored her twice and I knew if I did it again she'd fly down here and whoop my ass.

"Yes?" I asked trying to keep my voice even.

"First of all lose that damn attitude.... secondly why the fuck is Sweetpea calling me CRYING saying that you fired him?" My mom said and I rolled my eyes. "And you better not be rolling your fuckin eyes, boy you know I'll fly down there and snatch them up out your head, now START TALKIN!" She said and closed my eyes and counted to ten.

"Ma.... I can't keep letting Sweetpea get away with the stuff he's doing, at some point I need to take my career in my own hands and I need to hire someone who has MY best interest at heart and not someone who has ulterior motives." I said calmly.

"When me and your dad fell on hard times and we didn't have anywhere to go it was your dad's sister, Sweetpea's mom who took us in and this is how you repay him? I taught you better than that Shymere."She said quietly.


"Fame has turn you into someone who I can't even recognize....." My mom said and I didn't have to be there to know she was tearing up.

"Nah... fame hasn't changed me at all, it's changed the people around me." I said hanging up knowing full well that I would be hearing from my dad soon. I sent Adrian a text letting him know that I was turning my phone off for the day and decided to go down to the pool, but when I got down there Sweetpea was standing with this tall ass dark skinned dude and Trish. "What are you doing here Sweetpea?" I asked walking over to them.

"Trying to fix the damage that you caused.... ayy can y'all let me talk to my little cousin real quick?" Sweetpea asked pulling me a couple of feet away. "Shy, I'm going to forgive that little outburst from earlier and we can move past it, you just gotta trust that every move I make is for you." Sweetpea said.

"I guess you don't understand the concept of being fired so here let me break it down for you." I said noticing that Trish was standing right next to us. "Umm we're kinda having a business discussion so do you mind?" I asked looking at her and it was undeniable how sexy she was but he was on the wrong side of the fence for me.

"Don't worry Sweetpea I'll take it from here." Trish said winking at my cousin, who walked off. "Shymere take a walk with me...." She said looping her arm through mines and pulled me down to the beach, this was bad and if I only knew that things were about to get a lot worse I would've stayed my ass up in my hotel room...............................

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next two chapters; Alejandro, Valentino, Tristan, or Ricardo? 

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