Valentino 24

655 60 39

Real nigga shyt, Lafayette was my favorite singer... sure there were others that I enjoyed but when it came to just raw charisma and vocal ability he was just different. I might have a little fanboy moment here so I apologize in advance but how many of your favorite male singers can get on stage and give you a SHOW, I'm not just talking about backflipping all over stage, or distracting you from their struggle vocals (Jace's words, not mine) with sex appeal, or literally have one or two hits and the rest of their catalog is just covers of other people's songs.... But Layfatte when he gave a show he always put 1000% into it, never cheating his fans and giving them their money's worth, that's how I'm trying to be so when he asked me to go to lunch with him I jumped at the opportunity because this would be a good chance to pick his brain and see how he did it. We pulled up to the restaurant in his Audi R8 and I was expecting a crowd but this.... this was a damn mob, I sat back and watched from the door as Lafayette spent about ten minutes talking to his fans, how they knew where we were going I'm not sure but even without security he seemed unphased by the sheer number of people and that shyt was lowkey inspirational because I don't know too many celebrities who would do that.

"Sorry about that, I'm pretty sure the restaurant leaked the news that I was coming here..." Lafayette said walking over to the table that they had ready for us. "Why didn't you stay out there? It's another good way for you to introduce yourself to the world aside from doing interviews."

"So which one put you up to this? Was it Devin or Dro?" I asked looking at him and he shook his head. "Neither? That's weird... I kinda figured since you were taking a break that meant that you would be on a beach somewhere or at least traveling around with Tion since the NFL season just started back up." I said looking at him.

"Well Tion is playing the Jets on Sunday which is why I was out here, but Devin and Dro didn't put me up to this I wanted to talk to you since you've been getting a little buzz surrounding your name and I wanted to prepare you for what's about to come with all this fame. But before I start what made you ask if someone set this up?" Lafayette asked.

"Just a quote I heard, something about 'don't ever meet your idol in person, as you'll inevitably be disappointed' I know this isn't the first time we met but this is the first time we've spoken in a one on one setting so I was just preparing for the worst." I said shrugging as my phone vibrated in my pocket, I checked to see who it was and it was Carter but I'd call him back later.

"I heard that somewhere too but this isn't that... I'm more laid back then most people you'll meet in this industry, speaking of which... have you started getting the calls? You know the ones I'm talking about, the calls from distant family members who you've never met before?" Lafayette asked and I started laughing.

"Yeah, the latest call I got was someone claiming to be my mom's cousin. How she got my number I'll never understand but I blocked her number after she started making demands and shyt." I said shaking my head.

"That's something you'll have to get used to.... changing your number and blocking a bunch of people. The main thing I wanted to tell.... to warn you about is the business end of this industry." Lafayette said and I could feel the vibe starting to shift.

"Dro already had the talk with me...." I said trying to lighten the mood but Lafayette shook his head. "Aight so tell me what I need to look out for." I said looking into his eyes.

"Aight, you're young, black, and attractive.... but there are a thousand niggas waiting to take your spot and if you piss off the wrong person they'll do their hardest to replace you. You're just starting out your career and this music shyt is more political than politics, you're going to have people trying to manipulate you, people trying to take advantage of you, and some of these old white men are bold as fuck.... they use their power to get what they want from you and we're both grown so you know what I'm talking about." Lafayette said and I nodded.

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