Alejandro 99

264 31 8

I stepped out of the airport and the contrast to the blistering cold of New York fucked me up for a second but I quickly recovered, to my core I was a Texas dude... this was home, I grew up here and this weather was a welcome relief from the freezing cold northeast. That's right I wasn't in Brazil like I told Cardo and while I hated lying to him there were some things that he didn't need to know. I don't like to think of it as lying... I was going to Brazil but that was happening later this week, I had more pressing matters to deal with and that was the little boy who was fighting to get out of his car seat to get to me; Julio was ecstatic to see me and I can't lie, I almost teared up seeing his reaction. Enzo got out of the car and helped Julio out and he wasted no time running over to me and begging for me to pick him up, I just couldn't stomach leaving without seeing him... it just wasn't in my nature, and even if I were gone for a day leaving the country without seeing my son.... I didn't bother packing because I wasn't staying long, plus I had some clothes already here and I wanted to get in and out of the airport as quickly as possible. Spending time with Julio came first, then business....

"Daddy.... daddy... daddy.... JD.... JD... He keeps pushing me."Julio said... he must've been pissed because he was stuttering like Amaury used to when he got mad or excited.

"Next time he pushes you punch him." I said and Julio started laughing.

"And... and.... and.... Ivannana keeps pulling my ear." Julio said and I glanced at Enzo, who sighed quietly, for the life of me I couldn't understand why Enzo let that little girl do whatever she wanted but it wasn't my place to judge his parenting. Julio proceeded to tell me EVERYTHING that happened since Cardo dropped him off and by the time we were pulling into the driveway I was ready to fight a bunch of kids.

"In my baby's defense... she did try to tell him how to say her name but he insisted on calling her Ivannana." Enzo said as we got out of the car. "But I'll talk to her, she really is a good kid... the perfect little angel." Enzo said lying his ass off.

"We've taught him not to hit girls... but Julio has Cardo's temper so she might wanna be careful." I said picking Julio up and walking into the house, and the first thing I noticed was that there was pink and light blue paint all over the wall.

"Man what the fu... fudge!?!?!?! Ayy Legacy what the hell?" Enzo asked.

"Don't look at me, Ivanna said you said she could...." Legacy said and I could tell he wanted to say something else but elected to keep his opinions to himself.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HER!!!" Enzo barked at Ace who was seemingly getting up from a nap and completely confused as to what was going on. I REALLY wanted to say something to Enzo but bit my tongue.

"Lorenzo, forreal?" Legacy asked and it seemed like they were about to start arguing but Legacy just shook his head. "Sup Dro... aight I'll catch you later I gotta talk to Marcus about something, come on Ace." Legacy said and Ace quickly grabbed his jacket and ran behind Legacy.

"So... I met you cousin Trouble." I asked wanting to change the subject. "Granted, I know he's Cardo's cousin on his dad side but still the way I was raised is family is family...." I said remembering the desire to choke him.

"Yeah, I know Theo, I also avoid Theo.... He definitely lives up to the name Trouble because that dude brings trouble wherever he goes, I just hope Cardo is careful because there's always an angle with Theo. I'll have to have a conversation with Cardo, but if I get the slightest inkling that something isn't right you know I'll be there in a heartbeat." Enzo said.

"I'm sure Cardo can handle himself for a couple of weeks." I said rubbing Julio's head, my baby was knocked out, slobbering all over my chest, and honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.

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