Valentino 34

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20,000; that's the number of people who could fit inside the American Airlines Center in Dallas, and while I knew that they definitely weren't all here to see me, but I wanted to leave an impression so that by the next time I was here not only were all 20k here to see me but I also wanted to be headlining the show. Before we get to me taking the stage, I was sitting in the back with Victoria; this past week we had been making a lot of progress in our relationship, she apologized for everything she did including kicking me out of our parents house, saying that it was my fault that they were dead, and picking her baby dad over me. I apologized for some of the shyt I said as well... though I would NEVER tell her that Montez was dead on my orders because some secrets were best left buried. So, for the most part, our relationship was on its way to being how it was before Montez.... there was just one small thing that irked me and that was the visible tension between Victoria and Qwen. They were nice to each other but there was always a bit of coldness in Victoria's voice when they spoke and after a few conversations Qwen started to return that same coldness. Women are weird like they could stand each other's faces and smile but in their eyes I could see that they did not like each other.

"Tino, I know it might not be my place but I really hope you don't have a crush on her." Victoria said as I got ready to hit the stage, I gave her the 'don't start' look and she persisted. "I'm just saying, I mean she's a 'cute' girl but she's too strong for you." Victoria said and I'm not going to lie that shyt stung a little.

"So you're saying I'm weak?" I asked, about two seconds away from kicking her out of my dressing room.

"No I'm saying your personality would greatly clash with hers, you're vain... and that's not an insult but you are just like daddy, you truly believe you're the sexiest man on earth and she seems like the type who would put you in your place." Victoria said not realizing she was digging herself into a bigger hole.

"I'm not 'vain' I'm just supremely proud of my extremely good looks and maybe I need someone who will put me in check. But I'm not looking for a relationship right, I'm focused on my career and....." Before I could finish the door opened and Dro walked in with that nigga Venom like I said I truly believe his music was trash and his personality was even worse, Dro didn't look happy but I knew he wasn't going to say anything because he was professional.

"Can you clear the room?" Dro asked looking at Venom's crew, once they left it was just; me, Dro, Victoria, and Venom and can I just say that I really didn't like the way Venom and Victoria were looking at each other. Maybe I'm being petty, maybe I'm just being protective but given my sister's recent track record with men and given Venom's personality I could see this train wreck coming from a mile away and I wasn't about to deal with this shyt again.

"Victoria, can you please step out for a second and try not to get into any fights." I said, once my sister was gone I turned to Dro. "Man we talk about this, didn't you promise me that you wouldn't force me to do anything that I wasn't comfortable with."

"I'm not forcing you to do anything Tino, but there's been a slight change.... along with you, and C.R.E.A.M, I'll now be managing Venom he's looking for a complete makeover in his career and he wants me to help. I just felt like I owed it to you as a man to tell you face to face." Dro said.

"I'm not how I act in the media...." Venom said and I'm not going to lie when he dropped the heavy ebonics I was fuckin shook (God, I've been around Jace too long). "My old label and management wanted me to continue to portray this image that isn't me.... and I've lost too much already.... I feel like I sold my soul for fame and money but I'm looking to change that so I'm asking you to help me rebrand myself." I was still stuck on this sudden change in the way that he talked like he sounded almost literate, I mean you can listen to some of his interviews and need a translator and captions to understand what he was saying, I was convinced that mumble was his native tongue.

"Me? What can I do? I just hit 500k on Instagram you're at 2.1 mil so I really don't see what I can do." I said taken aback by this whole conversation.

"We'll discuss everything in a few weeks but I promise you don't have to do it but at least promise to hear us out." Dro said and I nodded, I checked my watch and saw that I had to be on stage in two minutes.

I fuckin killed it, the crowd was going crazy and I'm pretty sure a girl fainted when I smiled in her direction. I was floating on cloud nine, for me there was no better high than performing... it was like, all my problems disappeared and I became a different person. When I got backstage I saw Qwell standing with a few people and he nodded towards me; on rare occasions, me and Qwell like to go out into the crowd and watch the rest of the show and interact with the fans.

"Ayy Javi thinks we should hit the club after this, Echo and Arion are already down so once this is over, I say we go back and change." Qwell said and I nodded, it was kinda hard to hear with everyone screaming but once the noticed us in the crowd we ended up taking a lot of pictures and getting groped by grown women until finally, security made us go backstage.

"Y'all know y'all don't have to stay right?" Dro said and I gotta admit he was in a much better mood since coming back from his trip home. "Oh Tino before you leave, this will be our last show for a couple of weeks so I want to go out and celebrate your first mini-tour." Dro said and I couldn't help but smile, not because we were going out but because that meant I had some free time and I was really missing my brothers back at Brittany Hills and I had to go see them niggas.

"Aight so text me where you want to meet up at and we'll be there, I need to go home and change." I said dapping him up and after locating my sister we headed to the parking garage and things got really awkward when I realized that I would be stuck in a car for twenty minutes with Qwen and Victoria.

"Oh Valentino, I forgot to tell you I ran into Jasmine's mom and sister before coming out here and they were asking about you, you should call and check on them to see how they're doing." Victoria said and I can promise y'all being that being cut with a million razors and then being pushed into a pool of acid would've been less painful.

"I umm.... I was planning on going out that way in a week or so, I'll most likely stop by there to see them sometime during my visit." I said quietly, I hated myself for getting emotional but that shyt stung. Jasmine was the only person that I can honestly say that I was in love with and I lost her, that's not something you get over easily and her my sister was using her memory in this weird chess match between her and a woman that I had a small crush on.

"Jasmine was a sassy so full of life.... I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you when she died." Victoria said sadly.

"It's coo...." I said as my voice cracked a little, I sat in the backseat and met Qwen's eyes through the mirror, her eyes were sad and I could tell she wanted to comfort me but decided against and for some reason her restraint was comfort enough; we got back apartment building and I asked Victoria to hang back. "Don't do that again Victoria, don't use Jasmine's memory as some type of weapon in your feud with Qwen." I said looking into my sister's eyes.

"I'm not feuding with that girl... I'm just reminding you what happened last time you were in a relationship. Tino, I know what's it like to lose the love of your life.... it's not something you can get over in a few months and I see the way you and that girl look at each other. You have too much you need to focus on like school and your music." Victoria said.

"Dro set up a time for me to study so I can graduate on time and as for Qwen there's nothing going on between us and even if there was my situation is completely different from yours.... Jasmine was sick, Montez died because he decided to get drunk and drive he died because of his own actions so don't compare Jasmine to him. Now I'm about to go take a shower and get ready to go out.... don't touch my fruit snacks while I'm gone." I said walking past her.

When I got up to the apartment, I found Vince sleep on the couch with Vontez sleeping on his chest. After getting ready I walked down to the lobby where Qwell, Javi, Echo, Arion, Amaury, and Dro were all waiting; I don't know what tonight held for us but I just wanted to forget about all of my problems for one night.... I also needed to text my bros and let them know I was coming home for a few weeks but I'll do that in the morning right now I just wanted to have fun...............

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next two chapters; Alejandro, Rico, Rockstar, or Qwell?

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