Rockstar 8

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I was lucky to see nineteen if I was being completely honest with myself, I'm not going to lie when I was living back in South Carolina I was kinda a troublemaker, I mean any fights in my high school could almost always be traced back to me. Not saying I spread rumors but I hated that fake shyt, if one of my homeboys was fuckin another one of my homeboys girl's, I let it be known, if someone was talking shyt about someone behind they're back I was of the mindset that if you were bold enough to say it to me then you should have the balls to say it to that person. So yeah I caused a lot of drama and real niggas respected my honesty while which is probably how I ended up in 'that' situation..... walking home from school, I was walking past some woods when this bitch ass nigga grabbed me, he put a knife to my neck and threatened to kill me, without thinking I grabbed some dirt and threw it in his eyes then grabbed his hand and shoved the knife into his neck.... thankfully he didn't die but still; after that I focused solely on my music and that led me to Adrian Brewer. I watched him from a distance as he followed his brother around taking orders, I really needed to get my head into this verse because from what I've seen that girl Nova was a perfectionist.

"Ayy I set up an interview for you."Sweetpea said walking over to me and I rolled my eyes, I wasn't an interview type of person, I always felt that the media controlled the masses; if they wanted people to like you they heaped praises on you and if they wanted people to hate you they criticized everything you did. "Don't give me that look Shymere, Dro is setting bitch ass nigga Valentino up on a press tour and seeing as how he's your competition, you know he's coming for the top spot and with that dude Lafayette taking a break theirs a power vacuum for at the top of the charts."

"Is everything a competition with you? Look me and that nigga Valentino are in two different lanes, I make music for hood niggas and he makes music for bitches. There's no competition, let that nigga live." I said shaking my head.

"Aight but when that nigga is getting all the awards and accolades don't come to me asking why your career is stagnant." Sweetpea said storming off, should I fire this nigga yes or no? Because he was seriously getting on my damn nerves, I make music because I love to sing and I love to write and all he sees is dollar signs through my talent. As I continued to write I noticed Adrian trying to sneak off and there was just this pull he had over me where I had to follow him. Without making it too obvious I pretended like I was making a phone call and walked in the room he had just entered.

"Uncle Tristan... you gotta give me some more time, look you know how Dro is and Ricardo is not feeling you being in town. I overheard him and Dro talking last night and he doesn't want Julio anywhere near you." Adrian said in a panicked voice. "Man aight.... I said aight damn." Adrian said hanging up the phone.

"You sound like you could use.... WOAH CHILL ADRIAN IT'S JUST ME!!!" I said throwing my hands up as he pulled out a damn cannon, okay it was a Desert Eagle but still. "Damn I'm more convinced than ever that you need a vacation." I said watching as he put the gun back in his waistband. "You sure that's a good idea?"

"It's not loaded.... but yeah ever since my Uncle got in town I've been on edge, my bad." Adrian said and then without warning, he pushed me up against the wall and started kissing me so passionately that my knees buckled and had I not had the wall for support I probably would've tipped over. "Let's get outta here this weekend, after Dro's birthday dinner I'll sneak out and meet you around the corner. But look I gotta get back to work before that nigga starts trippin I'll hit you up when it starts so you can start making your way to pick me up." Adrian said kissing me quickly before sneaking out the room.

"So I was just talking to Alejandro and he's suggesting that maybe you and Valentino go on tour together next summer, I'm still working out the details but I'll only allow you to do it if you're the headliner." Sweetpea said as if he had done something impressive but I was still stuck on one word.

"Allow.... let me tell you something Sweetpea this isn't how this business relationship works, you're supposed to find jobs and then bring them back to me and TOGETHER we decide what's in the best interest of my career. Who's to say that by next summer that nigga Valentino won't be a megastar and then by the time the tour comes around everybody is there to see him, what happens once he does his set and then everybody leaves and I'm standing on stage looking stupid? I say we play it by ear and wait and see where his career is in three months before making any decisions." I said looking into his eyes.

"Yeah I here you Shymere... you know I have your back on whatever you decide." Sweetpea said quietly though I could hear a hint of bitterness in his voice.

"Look I'm going to take the weekend off, why don't you go out and have some fun.... you work too damn much and need a break, that's probably why you're so damn uptight." I said trying to ease some of the tension.

"Yeah maybe you're right, but what will you do with your weekend off, you know Nova wants to work on that song and from what I've seen she doesn't like waiting on anyone if you fuck around she might replace you with that nigga Valentino." Sweetpea said and at this point he was obsessed with that nigga Valentino was becoming a little creepy, I didn't even bother responding I just walked over to Dro and his brother who were having a moment.

"I hope I'm not interrupting." I said because Dro looked like he was about to punch Adrian and I would hate to have to fuck Dro up over Adrian.

"Nah just some work shyt... wassup?" Dro asked and I was trying my hardest not to look in Adrian's direction but it was difficult.

"I was just wondering if y'all were hungry? We've been here a few hours and I can't work on an empty stomach." I said nonchalantly, I could tell Dro was about to decline but Adrian quickly spoke up.

"You know what actually I could use a break, I would hate to have to report your ass for violating child labor laws." Adrian said and I could see Dro growing irritated with his little brother.

"Whatever just make sure you get your ass back here within the next two hours otherwise you'll have to find your own way home." Dro said walking off as me and Adrian walked out the office.

"What are we getting to eat because I really want some ribs and garlic mashed potatoes, so since you've been here longer than me I'm counting on you to point me in the right direction now you know I'm from Texas and I'm extremely critical when it comes to ribs and any sort of barbecue so if they're trash I'm definitely going to let them know about it." Adrian said and I couldn't help but laugh because he was dead serious.

"So what you're some type of barbecue connoisseur?" I asked looking at him.

"I don't know what that means so no...." Adrian said and that just made me laugh harder. "Ayy don't be laughing at me, I've never heard that word before and if I had I don't remember it. So are you driving because if we gotta get a cab I'ma be pissed because last time the cab driver got on my damn nerves and I'm not doing the damn subway." Adrian said.

"Aight well I'll drive but you owe me gas money." I said wanting so badly to kiss his sexy ass but there were some people watching and I knew I couldn't. "But I do know this place in....." Before I could finish a blacked out Navigator pulled up next to me and Adrian, there was a moment where I felt like this could be a driveby but then the back window rolled down and I felt it was much worse.

"Adrian get in the car...." A cold voice said and I felt Adrian tense up beside me, I started to move in front of him but Adrian pushed past me and walked to the other side of the car.

"Ayy we'll have to do a raincheck Shymere, you mind covering for me with Dro?" Adrian asked and I stood there looking at him before shrugging, I watched as they pulled off and felt weird letting him go off like that and maybe Adrian was involved in something that could he definitely wasn't ready for..................

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next chapter; Ricardo or Valentino?

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