Adrian 19

873 63 24

There are moments... moments in life that you never want to end, moments that you wish could go on forever, moments when you're at your happiest and for me one of those moments was this weekend with Shymere. It was good to see him in his element, where the persona of 'Rockstar' was stripped away and it was just him and I didn't have to be Adrian the Assassin, I was just Adrian and if I'm being honest I think being with him was the only time I didn't have 'those' dreams. The dreams where I'm locked in a room with all the people I've killed and the guilt of those murders didn't haunt me... I didn't here the whispers of cries and I didn't see the look of fear in their eyes before I killed them... 'Vai ficar mais fácil sobrinho' (It will get easier, nephew) my Uncle Tristan would tell me and the scariest part was I actually believed him, I knew eventually I would lose myself and become a stone-cold killer like him, Chewie, and Benji..... and as bad as they were they had nothing on Diablo, Diabo, Devil.... no matter what they called him the name was still spoken with respect and fear, and the fact that I was finally going to meet him well... that scared me more than anything.... well almost anything.

"Mr. Brewer....." My teacher said slamming his fist on my desk and I'm not going to lie that shyt caught me off guard, which is probably why I jumped up so damn fast ready to swing on him at a moments notice. "I'm glad you could join us and since you're already standing would you like to read your report in front of the entire class."

"Well since you're asking no I would not like to read my report in front of the class, I did the bare minimum which was to write the stupid thing and I'm not doing anything extra now if you'll excuse me." I said looking up at the clock and right on queue, the bell started ringing.

"All of you sit down, the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do and we will sit here until Mr. Brewer reads his report as I told him to do." My teacher said as his face began to turn a weird shade of pruce.

"And what exactly are you going to do? Force me to read it? Restrain me if I try to leave?" I asked stepping towards him and as I did he took a step back. "That's what the fuck I thought." I said grabbing my bag and walking out the classroom. I knew that his bitch ass was going to call Dro but at this point I really didn't give a fuck, I looked down at my phone and saw that I had a few missed calls from Shymere and just as I was about to call his ass back a car rolled up on me, the back passenger seat rolled down and I was looking down the barrel of Desert Eagle.

"I told you about that shyt sobrinho (nephew)." Uncle Tristan said pulling to gun back int he window. "Be aware of your surroundings at all times.... get in we need to talk." He said opening the door and I knew that it wasn't a request. "So how was your weekend getaway with Rocksalt?" He asked and I should've known he was having me followed.

"It was coo.... I needed to get away from Dro and Amaury so that's what I did." I said I left out the part about needing to get away from his ass too because he wasn't above punching me in the chest for talkin slick and I wasn't in the mood to be fighting with his ass today.

"You know Benji was in his feelings about you dippin with that nigga.... he feels like you played him." Uncle Tristan said smirking.

"Benji needs to get the fuck over it, me and him fucked around but we were never anything more than fuck buddies..... But I know you didn't come all the way out here to discuss my sex life so wassup?" I asked looking at him and he seemed to be ignoring me while the music blared from the speakers, see his ass was being petty. "Uncle Tristan come on what's going on?" I asked, he turned the music down and started rolling a blunt.

"We're being watched..... some feds down in San Antonio are looking into our family business so what I need you to do is absolutely nothing. Don't switch up your routine, don't skip school, watch what the fuck you say on the phone, and most importantly don't give them a single fuckin reason to arrest your ass." Uncle Tristan said menacingly. "My source inside the department told me Rico was coming up here for a few weeks and I know he'll be watching you closely so be wary of that nigga. Morte antes da desonra (Death before Dishonor)." Uncle Tristan said quietly.

"Morte antes da desonra...." I repeated and he nodded. The rest of the ride was silent and he didn't say anything when we pulled up in front of Dro's house, even when Dro stepped out onto the porch Uncle Tristan was silent, he was plotting something and the less I knew the better. I got out the car and walked through the yard knowing that would piss Dro off because he was like an old man when it came to his yard.

"You wanna explain why you walked out of class?" Dro asked looking at me and once again I was debating with myself on whether or not I wanted to start an argument with him, knowing Dro he probably had like six ninja stars somewhere on his body waiting for me to say something slick. "Nah I'm just fuckin with you, I was the same way... I never believed that bullshyt about 'the bell doesn't dismiss you', but look we're going out to eat tonight so go take care of whatever you need to take care of and be ready by....."

"TO FREEDOM!!!!" Julio yelled as the ran past me and Dro completely naked.

"I'm going to have to pass, as much fun as it would be to hang out with y'all I have homework and I don't feel like hearing your mouth when you get my report card." I said trying to think of a way out of this but Dro looked at me and I knew this wasn't up for debate. "Aight well if I start falling behind it's on you." I said taking one last-ditch effort to convince him to let me stay home.

"Where's your bookbag?" Dro asked..... fuck. "Don't even bother answering that because it was a rhetorical question, you haven't taken your bookbag to school since the school year started and I know for a fact that your school doesn't even give out homework, so go start getting ready while I grab Julio from out the yard before someone calls the cops." Dro said chasing after Julio who seemed to really enjoy letting it all hang out. I got up to my bedroom and decide to call Shymere back since I didn't get the chance to after school.

"Wassup?" I asked plopping down on my bed and imagining that he was laying next to me.

"I miss you...." He said quietly. "Like you have no idea how much I miss you, I haven't stopped thinking about you since I dropped you off yesterday and I really wanna see you tonight." Shymere said and there was something about his voice that made me horny.

"Well I'm going to be in the city tonight, maybe I can sneak off and we can spend some time together because lowkey I'm missing you as well." I said, it was like I could feel the direction this conversation was going and I really didn't want it to end, in fact, I wanted to see just how far I could push him. "So hypothetically, if I was laying right there next to you what would we be doing?"

"We'd be uhh..... eat crackers and drinking apple juice." Amaury said from the door. "Who are you on the phone with and why aren't you getting dressed?" He asked looking at me.

"Why the fuck are you in my room?" I asked hanging up the phone because I didn't need nor want Amaury or Dro in my fuckin business. "Amaury can I ask you something? Isn't it exhausting being you? Like forreal you have no real talent, you're mooching off of Dro, you have no plan.... like you must have serious self-esteem issues." I said trying to get under his skin because unlike with Dro, I actually think I could take Amaury.

"Nah I'm too cute to have self-esteem issues and if I ever start doubting myself I just look down at my dick and remember everything will be okay." Amaury said laughing.

"But.... but you're a virgin." I said and he shrugged before walking off, I swear to god I couldn't stand his punk ass and the only reason I'm going to this stupid ass dinner is because it would get me closer to Shymere and it would be easier to sneak off. As I started getting ready an unknown number popped up on my phone and I elected to ignore it, right now I had a role to play and what I had going on was way more important than whoever was calling........

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