Valentino 33

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I sat between Qwen's legs thinking about Pokemon... random as fuck I know but my other head was painfully aware of her smooth legs brushing against my arms, her soft hands massaging my scalp, her bell-like laugh at Harlem Nights. I needed to focus on something because it would be really awkward if I stood up and my dick was hard, so I thought back to my childhood and that was the first thing that came to mind so don't judge me. But I had another show tonight and Qwen had this stuff that she put in my hair, I don't know what it was but it made my hair baby soft and smell like fruit, I glanced over at Qwell who was talking with Echo and Arion. We killed it last night and Dro had gotten so many phone calls about our performance, I guess Zyshaun saw that it was trending and wanted us to record the song and push it as a single... the crazy thing was, I don't even remember how it went. Me and Qwell just made the shyt up as we performed bouncing off of each other like a perfectly synced team, hopefully, someone recorded it so I can see what exactly happened. As I sat deep in thought Qwen tapped my shoulder and I looked at her, she was fuckin beautiful ass fuck and within a second I was lost in her deep brown eyes.

"Your phone is ringing and I need to stretch my legs." Qwen said as I moved as discreetly as possible and let her up. I grabbed my phone and once her back was turned I moved to the kitchen and watched as Carter's face appeared on my screen.

"Wassup Bro?" I asked wondering why he was calling me with my god-daughter.

"Just doing some packing, Xion got tickets to the Georgia game on Saturday and he wants me to go down there with him. We're leaving Friday morning and I was wondering if you'd be anywhere in the area?" Carter asked and as far as I knew we'd be in Texas on Friday, so I shook my head and he let a disappointed sigh.

"Nah, but you know if I could be there I would.... you're not planning anything stupid are you?" I asked remembering what happened to Xion the last time he went to visit his brother.

Nah apparently that dude is locked up still so even if I wanted to get to him I couldn't, Jace is pissed because he wants to go but I'm not about to let Jace fuck up this trip with his antics. Ro' is coming with us though but I'm having second thoughts about going because Corrina has been feverish the last few days... Bianca told me to go ahead but I feel like it's irresponsible to go while my daughter is sick." Carter said and I knew he was saying this to get my advice.

"Carter if it was serious there's no way in hell Bianca would let you leave Columbus, Corrina is probably just teething, I say go, enjoy a few days down there with Xion and come back to your daughter.... who by the way I got something for the next time I come and visit." I said knowing Carter hated when I got Corrina gifts because he felt like she'd be spoil.

"Valentino, let's finish so I can head back to my room and start getting ready for tonight." Qwen said walking up behind me and Carter got that look in his eyes like he was about to say something that would make me look stupid so I quickly hung up before he could embarrass me.

We finished up fifteen minutes later and right on time too because someone knocked on the door before walking Qwell let them in, every time I saw my older brother I almost cried because that nigga was my world, he's always had my back so for him to surprise me like this I felt like a kid again. But my joy turned into jealousy as Vince eyed Qwen and smiled at her... see I was about to have to pull him to the side and ask him to fall back because I really didn't lke the way he was staring at her.

"Wassup Superstar." Vince said rubbing my head and I quickly pushed his hand away. "Damn wassup with you? You seem like you're in a bad mood when you should feel like you're on top of the world."

"Not her bro...." I said and it took Vince a few seconds to realize what I was saying, then a massive smile formed on his face as he almost started laughing. "It's not like that but.... I don't know bro, she just does something to me and I feel like I should fall back because it's too soon." I said and Vince stood there looking at me for a second before the door opened again.

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