Valentino 54

522 48 44

Javier, Amaury, and myself all had the same exact idea, get our plates and get the hell outta dodge because Antonio looked like he was about to commit a triple murder on Tristan, Amor, and Adrian. I had just started my career and the last thing I wanted was to be caught up in a scandal, so I tried to move subtly to the kitchen, and just as I was about to go in I locked eyes with Milagro. Moms man.... they didn't even have to be your mom but when they gave you that look you knew exactly what they were thinking, I glanced at Amaury who shrugged before settling into his seat, I sat down as well and watched as Milagro walked over to Antonio and whispered something in his ear, he mumbled something back before sitting at the head of the table and watched with fire in his eyes as Milagro walked over and kissed her little brother on the cheek. I looked at Dro and Ricardo who were having a silent argument, Rico looked annoyed and that dude Olyver seemed... for some reason he seemed pissed; I sat down and waited... the way Dro's family did Thanksgiving was that you made your plate by age groups starting with the youngest so after everyone was seated; me, Amaury, Javi, Adrian, and Amor all waled into the kitchen and that's when the arguing began.......

"WHY THE FUCK IS HE HERE DRO!!?!??!!? I SHOULD BEAT HIS ASS FOR ALL THE SHYT HE'S GOT ADRIAN INVOLVED IN!!!!" Antonio yelled and I noticed Adrian rolling his eyes. Dro said something in Portuguese that I didn't understand. "DRUGS, GUNS, GANGS!!! FUCK THAT DRO, IT'S ALL TRISTAN'S FAULT!!!!"

"Actually it's your fault, weren't you the one who wanted my sister to get an abortion when she was pregnant with Adrian? If not for Milagro's strong moral beliefs then Adrian wouldn't even be here and if you're wondering how he knew he heard y'all talking and during that conversation... I think you said something to the effects of 'sometimes I feel like Adrian is a lost cause' so of course that set Adrian off, it would set anyone off." Tristan said and this was becoming uncomfortable to listen to.

"YEAH, I SAID THAT SHYT AND IF ADRIAN HAD LISTENED TO THE REST OF WHAT I SAID HE WOULD'VE HEARD THE REST OF MY STATEMENT!!!! BUT THAT'S A CONVERSATION BETWEEN ME AND MY SON!!! I DON'T APPRECIATE YOU TRYING TO TURN HIM INTO A KINGPIN!!!" Antonio yelled and I looked at Javi and Amaury who were fixing their plates as if a whole ass argument wasn't taking place in the next room.

"Should we... should we go downstairs or something?" I asked looking at Amaury who shrugged. Fuck it, I made my plate and started eating; the food was good as fuck but I really couldn't enjoy it the way I wanted to.

"I reject the notion that I'm trying to turn Adrian into a kingpin, that's not his lane... Besides the head of the De'Leon Family doesn't go to the next male heir it goes to the oldest, so if Milagro doesn't want it, the title would pass down to her firstborn, and then his firstborn, and so on and so on.... I'm just holding that spot until HE is ready to step up." Tristan said and another argument ensued, about three minutes later Rico and Olyver walked into the kitchen and started making their plates.

"I'm about to take Olyver home, it's getting intense in there and I don't want him seeing what comes next...." Rico said and if he was leaving I felt it would be coo if I left as well.

"Yeah I think I'm going to head out too..." I said as the sound of a plate breaking scared the fuck outta me. "Y'all staying here or....?" I asked looking at Javi and Amaury, they both started covering their food and I took that to mean they were coming with me.

"Ayy Tino, I'm sorry you had to see this." Dro said as I put my jacket on, I smiled and ensured him that it was coo and I'd be by sometime next week. We all walked out and the yelling intensified, for some reason that dude Olyver seemed anxious, he kept looking back at the house as if he didn't want to leave.

"So what do y'all think of that dude Olyver?" Javi asked as we drove back to the city.

"He's coo..... I talk to him a little bit while my mom was cooking, he seems really into your brother." Amaury said and I decided to keep my opinion to myself because I had just met both Rico and Olyver so I didn't really have too much of an opinion on their budding relationship. "But I just got a text from Qwell, he wants us to come through." Amaury said and I swear my heart started beating fast as fuck in my chest.

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