Alejandro 37

635 63 15

I wasn't scared when like twenty officers had their guns trained on me, I wasn't scared when they flat out told me that they'd put a bullet in my head, I wasn't scared when I was sitting in the interrogation room and they turned off the cameras..... but right now my heart was pounding in my chest. I was sitting outside my house and I was afraid to go in, what if I walked in there and Ricardo was gone and he had taken Julio with him? The day Julio was born we had a conversation, told me that my job came with a lot of risks and if there was any situation that put our son in danger he'd leave because Julio was the most important person in our lives from that moment on. It was my fault, everything that happened.... not because of my own actions but because of my lack on inaction; I knew Tristan was up to something, I felt it in my heart the second he showed up at my house but my loyalty to family clouded my judgment and now I was in this fucked up situation that could tear down everything me and Cardo were trying to build. I finally gathered my courage and turned the car off, I saw someone moving around in the window so I knew someone was home; I walked up to the door, placed my key inside the lock and took a deep breath before bracing myself for what was waiting on the other side.

"I didn't know you were coming home...." Ricardo said looking at me, see he was trying to be funny because he knew damn well that my only priority was making sure that he and Julio were okay. "Before you ask, Julio is upstairs sleep last night was a lot for him....." Ricardo said as his eyes burned with anger.

"You know that wasn't on me right.... someone..... Tristan is setting me up, for what I can't be sure but he's trying to distract me from something and I'm sorry for.... what are you doing?" I asked as Ricardo walked over to me and started examining my face.

"Just checking to make sure you're alright.... your eye doesn't look too bad." Ricardo said and despite his calm demeanor I knew he was pissed, his anger was written all over his face and I knew it was only a matter of time before it came out in full force. "You should probably head upstairs and get out of these clothes." Ricardo said and I looked down, I was still wearing the same thing I had on last night complete with dirt spots and bloodstains.

"Yeah you're right but when I finish I think we should talk because I know there's a lot you wanna say...." I said but Ricardo was already walking off and I had to suppress my anger because he knew I hated when he walked away from me while I was talking. I walked upstairs and checked on Julio, his little wild ass has halfway off his bed with a small puddle of slobber on the floor. I put him in a more comfortable position and walked out, I didn't want him waking up because I knew me and Cardo had a lot to talk about.

After a long-ass shower I walked into my bedroom and saw Ricardo sitting on the bed. I walked around the room gathering all my lotions and body oils, waiting for him to speak first because I knew I was the one in the wrong and I wanted him to get everything off his chest. I dropped my towel and I could feel Ricardo's eyes on me, not that I was trying to distract him or anything like that.... not even a few seconds later however I turned around and almost bumped into Ricardo.

"Excuse me...." I said trying to get around him but he wouldn't move, I was almost certain he was about to go off on me but instead he wrapped his arms around my neck and started kissing me. There's no much to tell, Ricardo pushed me onto the chaise and rode my dick until we were both nutting.... a quickie. "We still need to talk.... what are you doing?" I asked watching as Ricardo pulled a suitcase out of the closet.

"I'm going to stay with Enzo, that shyt last night is exactly why the fuck I didn't want Tristan around Julio, it's the exact fuckin reason I was against inviting him into OUR fuckin house. Do you have any fuckin idea who scared Julio was when the feds busted up in here, do you know how fuckin violated I felt watching them muthafuckers search our fuckin house knowing there wasn't shyt I could do to stop them? If Rico hadn't given me the heads up this could've gone a completely different way and I lost a very lucrative business opportunity that De'Cari set up for me because of this little incident." Ricardo said throwing shyt into the suitcase.

"So you're just going to dip without discussing this like adults." I said and Ricardo walked over to me and touched my eye which was still swollen. "We need to talk about this, don't make any rash decisions." I begged.

"Dro I had all fuckin night to think about this so this definitely isn't a rash decision. I've been through enough shyt to know to get my son the hell outta dodge because it's only going to get worse from here and I don't wanna put him in that situation... Julio doesn't need to be involved in whatever plan Tristan got cooking up." Ricardo said.

"Cardo, slow down man let's just..... look at least stay tonight, let me just....." I said and I started to panic because I felt like I was losing him, losing our son. "Give me twenty-four hours to handle this, that's all I'm asking. Please?" I asked walking towards him and I could see he was considering it.

"You might wanna talk to Rico, needless to say, he's pissed at you for the situation you put Javier in and then you might wanna talk to Adrian because he's also pissed because of what happened. Then you might wanna call your parents because they sent Adrian up here to keep him outta trouble and yet...... looks like you got a busy twenty-four." Cardo said walking into the bathroom and turning on the shower.

I joined Ricardo in the shower and it was tense between us, though Ricardo let me wash his body even kiss him a few times he didn't say a single word, once we were finished he got out and started getting dressed, I just threw some shorts on and walked down the hall to Julio's room. He was jumping on his bed and I wasn't too surprised he was up already, Julio looked at me and jumped off his bed before running towards me; he jumped into my arms and touched my eye.

"Papai what happened?" Julio said kissing my eye and hugging me. "S'all better now." He said in my ear and I started tearing up. I had to lot of shyt I needed to make right starting with Rico but I was determined to make sure Ricardo didn't leave because I couldn't lose this right here.

"Ayy I'm taking Julio with me to go talk to Rico." I said and Ricardo looked at me before shrugging, I got Julio together and walked out to my car and of course Julio talked the entire forty-five minute drive and I hung on to every single word, who would've known there was so much drama going on at a daycare center, these damn kids were messier than most adults.

"You're a fuckin coward Dro." Rico said as I walked into the penthouse. "Using Julio as a shield to keep me from going off as badly as I want to is low even for you." Rico said pacing around and I shrugged. "So tell me what the hell happened." Rico said and I gave him the bare minimum. "So you not only brought my brother on tour after I specifically asked you not to, now you got him caught up in a drug trafficking case." Rico said and I could tell he was really pissed.

"Rico you know damn well I'm not involved in moving weight.... someone set me up, luckily we were in Houston and Zyshaun was able to handle everything but I wanna talk to you about Javi." I said looking at him and Rico's eyes flared with anger. "Rico that dude is talented... so fuckin talent and you're stifling his potential because of what happened with your pops and the kid is fuckin smart... smarter than both of us, he has to make his own decision because between you and me...... he resents you, the conversations I've had with him, he's never said it but I can tell by how he talks about you......" I said and I knew I was pushing it but Rico needed to hear this.

"So you're talking to my brother behind my back?" Rico said and at this point, he was just looking for reasons to be mad. "I know how talented Javi is, hell when we were younger I'd throw out random words and he'd be able to write a whole rap based off those words. How do you think he got a perfect score on his SAT and ACT? He turned words he didn't know into raps and that's how he memorized them... I just fell like his true strength is his intelligence and not his rap skills, he could do so much more good in the world doing something other than rap."

"I feel like you're selling your brother short man, but look Julio looks like he's about to pass out so I'm going to put him in the room and then we can have the real conversation you've been wanting to have since last night." I said walking over to Julio who was standing up sleep. I took him to his old room and laid him in the bed and then walked back out to Rico who had taken his badge and shirt off..... sometimes the only way you can settle issues with your bro is with fist............................

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