Ricardo 28

701 68 20

Thank God, for De'Cari and Kaylis being here because I needed a distraction from Adrian, again I really don't see why Dro thought I'd be the best person to leave with his little brother; true me and Adrian are similar in some ways but I wasn't exactly the model of patience. But I was glad they were here.... though I wasn't expecting to see them until Thanksgiving I needed De'Cari here because I knew his ass was going to have me laughing the whole night. Before I could entertain my guest I needed to check on my child who was a little too quiet, even though I know I just put him down for a nap Julio wasn't the type to stay sleep especially whenever someone came over to the house, he seemed to have a sixth sense about when people were at the door. I peeked my head in his bedroom and he was still laying in his bed but something was off.... so I quietly stepped into his room, closed the door behind me and waited. Just as I expected he lifted his head up and then rolled out bed and pulled out some plastic ninja stars, I was going to kick Dro's ass when I saw him because I told him about them things.

"Whatareyoudoin?" I said scaring the fuck outta him, Julio put the ninja stars behind his back and gave me a big smile. I stood there staring at him and he ran over to me and started hugging my leg, I knew his ass was trying to butter me up so that I wouldn't take them and I definitely would've taken them if De'Cari hadn't called my name.

"Ayy keep him away from my daughter....." De'Cari said moving his daughter Kari behind his leg, which caused me and Kaylis to roll our eyes at the same time. "What I'm just protecting my baby girl, remember what happened last time they were together." De'Cari said and I guess he had a point but still.....

"It was an accident." I said but then again how do you accidentally pour syrup all over someone. "They're kids De'Cari...." I said and right on queue Julio and Kari ran off to start playing with his toys.

"Let me get your keys." Adrian said walking downstairs, we stood there staring at each because he must've had me confused with someone else because I don't do demands.... minus a few exceptions. "Whatever...." Adrian said walking to the bowl and grabbing a set of keys before storming out the house, I swear I was tempted to call the police on his ass but I was going to let it slide because I knew he was hurting over Rockstar.

"Aight so we need to discuss a few things with you...." Kaylis said slowly sitting down and I looked at her stomach and shook my head, her and De'Cari were probably the biggest freaks I knew so it was a surprise to absolutely no one that she was pregnant yet again. "Who's cooking for Thanksgiving because last year you really tried it with that vegan Thanksgiving." Kaylis said rubbing her stomach.

"There weren't any leftovers so it couldn't have been too bad." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Look we know you're a fitness nut and everything but you can at least take one day off to enjoy some soul food it won't kill you." She said and I shrugged, more than likely Dro will do most of the cooking this year so they can relax. As the night went on let's just say me and De'Cari's eyes got redder and redder whenever we'd come back from a 'kids break' and as the night progressed more and more things started to be revealed.

"So what are you and Tion beefin about now?" I asked digging into the Alfredo I had made for dinner.

"We're not beefin.... not exactly, I just feel lowkey salty that he, Lafayette, Devin, and Blaze went on a trip without me but now that I know what happened on that particular trip I'm not as upset but still you know Tion is my best friend and I feel like I hadn't seen or heard from him in weeks... I need to talk to him about.... things." De'Cari said and I was slightly curious about what he was talking about but I wasn't going to push it. "But I also wanted to talk to you.... You know recently I started working for this big ass sports agency and well.... my boss want's to meet you, don't ask me what for and how he even knows that we're coo but he ask... told me to set up a meeting with you, look I just need this one favor please." De'Cari said and I really didn't do the whole big company thing but De'Cari was my boy so I could at least do this one favor for him.

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