Pierre 89

513 39 14

With the season over, I tended to get bored easily... at least during the season I had something to focus on but now I had a lot of free time on my hands... too much free time and when I got bored, things tend to.... happen. I tried everything; meditating, going for a late-night run, rolling up a blunt, sitting in my sauna, but nothing was working because it's not what my body needed right now. Usually, I had the willpower to resist but tonight.... tonight that wall came crumbling down as I grabbed my keys and got in my car; it was still early around 10 which meant that I could get in and get to my spot without being seen. Moving to New York really brought out my wild side, imagine living in a small town all your life... a town so small that you could look out your window on a Sunday and see the entire town's population gathered at church. Where if you were sick the whole town would know before you let out your first cough.... now imagine going to college in an entirely different state and getting exposed to 'the real world', then moving to New York.... I'll just be as blunt as possible, New York brought out my true self and as Ricardo put it 'you are the biggest freak hoe I've ever met, and that's A LOT coming from me'; I did try to contain it.... but tonight...... nah business first.....

I guess you could say I had my second sexual awakening in college, I had my son Matisse when I was in high school so I wasn't exactly a virgin going into college but when I stepped on campus I was introduced to what really went down in locker rooms and learned quickly that missionary was basic, I watched my first porno, slid into my first orgy, and lose my virginity for a second time..... and that second time set the foundation for everything I loved going forward and the fact that I lost my virginity to..... well I make it a point to never kiss and tell.

"Pierre, to what do I owe this pleasure?" My.... I really didn't know what to call him; my boy, my street manager, my associate, my dealer???? It really didn't matter, Phoenix got me what I needed and I paid him nicely. I looked around his penthouse that he had near Central Park and stepped inside.

"A couple of things.... I need you to call The Circle and let them know I'll be coming through tonight... I want my usual suite, that also means I'm going to need my usual equipment waiting for me... After I leave here I'll be heading to the gym to work out and then I'll be making my way over there." I said and Phoenix nodded.

"It's done... I see you're still dancing in the dark." He said making himself a drink and I shrugged. I really didn't know how to describe Phoenix, all I really knew was that him and his boy King were season ticket holders, they always had the best suite in the stadium, and they had connections throughout the league... They were known as the league 'Fixers' even the owners were on first-name basis with them.

"You know I like to keep my business private..." I shrugged and Phoenix laughed.

"You and hundreds of other athletes.... I'm starting to believe the stereotypes about dumb jocks; if y'all all came together and formed a multi-league group for LGBT athletes y'all could make a lot of money and erase the stigma around gays... and I'm using that as a board statement... gays in sports." Phoenix said and with him there was always an angle, he could and would definitely profit off of something like that.

"I'm on my way out of the league, next season will be my last... maybe I could do better work from outside the league than I can on the inside....." I said deflecting.

"Your trainer... that sexy ass dude Ricardo seems to agree with me, we've met a few times and he thinks it's a good idea. That dude is smart.... and from what I've been hearing his husband is leaving for an extended trip..... tell me you've at least considered what that means." Phoenix said smiling.

"Ricardo's my boy... I don't look at him in that way." I said truthfully; sure I've noticed how sexy Ricardo is but he's married... I would never cross that line, that's not how I was raised. "How do you know so much?" I asked.

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