Olyver 84

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In the span of two seconds, my heart started beating faster than it had in my entire life. Flashes entered my mind; waking up to Rico smiling at me, us in the bathroom getting ready for the day with him pushing me playfully, us in the shower Rico kissing all over my body as he dropped to his knees..... Dro looked furious, if I was being honest he seemed more betrayed than I felt Rico would be; but I also knew how much Dro valued family, look at everything he was doing to protect not just Ricardo and Julio but his brothers as well. Dro looked at me and I almost let out a sigh of relief when Rico didn't pick up the phone, never one to be deterred Dro tried again, and just as I heard Rico's voice coming through the speaker... Tristan snatched the phone and quickly hung up. Dro looked like he was about a half a second away from pulling out one of his ninja stars and turning his uncle into a pincushion, but Tristan smiled and handed him the phone back.... What the fuck games was this dude playing? Tristan looked at Dro and then turned to me, he gave me that innocent smile that told me he had a plan and moved towards his nephew.

"It's not like you to make such a rash decision sobrinho.... Usually, you like to get all the facts before divulging all the information. How would it look if you were to call Rico and tell him 'ayy bro, I'm over Tristan's and your dude just showed up as well, I don't know why he's here but I just thought you should know....' Sounds crazy right?" Tristan asked laughing.

"I got enough information, it's hard to trust anyone working with you, and Rico is my brother... he should at least know that he's deadly with a trained killer.... Are you even gay or are you just playing a role to get close to Rico?" Dro asked and since I've met him I've never seen him look so pissed.

"He's whatever the family needs him to be..." Tristan said still smiling like he was enjoying this. "Olyver.... or rather Diablo is efficient at what he does, he's the one who trained Amor to be the killer that he is... Diablo and O Ceifeiro, The Devil and The Reaper.... they have more bodies combined than the next ten put together.... which is why I'm thinking that it would be in your best interest to keep them both here, while we go and handle business down south." Tristan said moving towards the couch.

"Excuse me?" Dro said getting heated.

"Dro... beloved nephew, you have no idea what you're walking into down there. You've never had to deal with what my father, your grandfather had to deal with... even if it is just to formally hand control over to me there are men down there who would like nothing more than to wipe out the entire DeLeon family. Men who know the threat our family poses and that means while we're down there Cardo and Julio are still in danger." Tristan said and that seemed to get Dro's attention.

"I have people who can look after Cardo and Julio...." Dro said but he seemed to understand that you could never have too many eyes. "Why are you doing this?" He asked Tristan. "Like forreal, you say we have to do it the old fashion way and yet.... man this shyt feels like a trap." Dro said pacing around.

"I can promise you it's not... while my methods may be.... dizzying. Every move I make has a purpose, even this one. You wanted to know who your strongest weapon was and I revealed that it's someone who is in love with your best friend, you couldn't have asked for a man in a better position." Tristan said and I'll say this much, he had a way with words, he was a master wordsmith and even I was being put at ease by the softness in which he spoke.

"Can we talk in private?" I asked as my voice finally returned. Dro looked at me with absolute loathing but nodded, Tristan winked and sat on the couch as me and Dro walked out to the balcony. I've been around killers before, they gave off this certain energy and one thing I could say with absolute certainty is that I've never met anyone who gave off that energy more than Dro... not Amor, not Tristan, not even Adrian... the only difference was Dro's was more controlled which in a way made him more dangerous.

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