Alejandro 2

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God, I missed being home.... and I really missed these all night sessions that left me dead on my feet the next day but it was worth every caramel macchiato and every power nap that I would have to suffer through to make it through the day. We moved around the kitchen at a quick pace because I was already running late and Ricardo had something to do which left our son with Amaury since Adrian still had returned from where ever it was that he disappeared off to and he still hadn't called which meant more likely than not we were going to get into another argument. Julio sat at the table making a mess with his cereal while Amaury was texting someone and I was praying it wasn't one of my neighbor's wives because Amaury was a notorious playboy and I really didn't want any drama brought to my house. I looked down at my watch and knew there was no way I was going to make it on time so I called my assistant to keep my guest busy until I got there. Then just as I was grabbing my keys Adrian walked in like he didn't have a care in the world and as badly as I wanted to say something to him I didn't have the time.

"You're late Mr. Brewer....." My assistant Rue said as I walked through the doors and I could tell she was extremely annoyed. "I'm going to need a couple free vacation days for dealing with that idiot in there and I'm also going to need for you to have your boss write a letter of recommendation for my daughter so she can get into one of those fancy New York private schools because even though I love you, you don't pay me enough to deal with this bullshyt." She said and I nodded before walking into my office.

"Wassup Dro?" Sweetpea said and I nodded before looking around for his client/cousin Rockstar. "You're not the only one that's late, that kid is always out partying and shyt so he's on his way. Is Nova back yet?" Sweetpea asked and I wondered the same thing.

"Sorry I'm late....." Nova said walking into my office looking every bit of the diva that she really was, I'm not going to lie I would much prefer if she went out west and worked with Devin because I didn't have the patience to deal with divas.... though I had to admit the girl was talented.

"No problem... I'm just getting here myself and I'm kinda on a tight schedule so if you don't mind why don't we just get started and we can fill Rockstar in once he gets here." I said and Sweetpea nodded. "Normally shyt like this could've been handled over the phone but I feel since y'all were already in town we could discuss this in person; Sweetpea let's cut all the polite shyt out, Nova and Rockstar together is an instant hit or rather hits because we want it to be a whole album. Rockstar has one core audience which is, in his own words 'Trap niggas' and Nova well her audience is mainly women and gay males.... them together would blend their fanbase."

"Okay what does this do for my cousin? I mean Rockstar isn't trying to be one of your polished puppies, he's a pure artist that speaks to a forgotten fanbase... because believe it or not 'trap niggas' actually listen to R&B music. So I'm asking how would it look it Rockstar actually went mainstream, it would look like he's selling out." Sweetpea said and if was Rockstar, cousin or not I would've fired Sweetpea because he may have blocked a lot of money because of this tunnel vision he had for Rockstar's career.

"Money...." I answered simply. "Sweetpea we both know how things go, it's cuffin season... girls are putting up their summer ho-clothes and dudes are looking for someone to cuddle up with during the fall/winter, I could find someone else but I want Rockstar." I said.

"Let's do it......" Someone said from the door and I looked up to see Rockstar standing there. "I'm trying to broaden my horizon and reach superstar status like Nova, so we'll link up and work out the details for the song." Rockstar said.

"So Dro is in, I'm in, and Rockstar is in.... we're just waiting on you Sweetpea." Nova said looking up from her phone.

"Aight fine..... who's been sucking on your neck?" Sweetpea asked looking at his cousin and now that he mentioned the obvious the big hickey on his neck was hard to miss but that wasn't any of my business, so they walked out my office leaving me with Nova.

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