Alejandro 26

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Tonight was the first show and being that it was sold out I was kinda nervous, Nova was going to kill it but I was moreso worried about C.R.E.A.M. and Valentino, they have all done shows before but not of this magnitude and most people got restless waiting for the headliner so if they didn't kill it I was scared they'd be booed off stage. I walked around making sure everything was running smoothly, the first show was the most important because most of the time it set the tone for the rest of the tour. Amaury was off talking to a few of the dancers making sure they had everything they needed and that they had the choreography down perfectly, everything seemed to be going perfectly until I heard yelling coming from somewhere off the main stage. I followed the sound of the shouts and found one of Nova's assistants berating one of the stagehands, one thing about me was that I didn't tolerate my staff and even though technically he didn't work directly for me I was in charge of this tour so everything that happened was a reflection of me.

"Ayy your name is Eugene right?" I asked her assistant and he nodded. "Aight well take a walk with me real quick I wanna talk to you about something." I said walking off and he followed after me until we were standing alone in the lobby. "You really need to chill out on how you talk to the stagehands, there's really no reason for you to be dogging him when he makes a simple mistake, I promise you he'll learn more if you talk to him calmly instead of yelling." I said quietly.

"I'm sorry you may be soft on these niggas but I'm not... Nova told me to make sure that everything was perfect, one mistake could be the difference between failure and success so the fact that he couldn't follow simple instructions and get Nova's order correct tells me he's incompetent and I don't deal with incompetent people." Eugene said and I swear niggas like this irritated my soul.

"You mean to tell me that you were about to make that kid cry because he fucked up an order? Tell me in what universe is that okay?" I asked ready to pull out one of my special toys and have target practice with his ass. "Look the next time I catch you yelling at one of these stagehands or anyone for that matter you'll be answering to me." I said stepping towards and I lowkey respect that fact that he didn't back down.

"And who are you exactly? Oh, that's right your her manager meaning you have less power than I do, your only job is to make sure my girl stays booked and busy and also to make sure she has everything she needs to set shyt off.... now since you wanna overstep your bounds how about you go get her damn drink before you be unemployed back in Mexico." Eugene said walking off and I quickly reached for a ninja star but a hand grabbed mine stopping me from pulling it out.

"I'll handle it..... You know how I am about my guys and niggas like that I won't tolerate." Zyshaun said his eyes glimmering with anger. "He better be lucky for small blessings because had it been me that conversation wouldn't have lasted past the part where he called you soft."

"Well unlike you I don't have a team of lawyers who can make shyt like that go away, my lawyers are good but not as good as yours. I'll talk to Nova and hopefully, she can reign her little minions in because I'm not going to be dealing with this for the next nine cities." I said trying to keep my composure because I had too much to do besides worrying about a fuck nigga. "So what brings you out this way? I figured you'd be at home celebrating the fact that Saint's ass is in college, as much as you complained about him getting on your nerves."

"I wanted to be here for the first show.... plus I wanted to run a couple of things by you, as for Toussaint... that boy is more trouble away from home that he ever was when he was living with me. It's like every two minutes he's calling asking me a stupid ass question and my answer is always the same... figure it out on your own. He hasn't even been in school a full semester and he's acting like he's completely overwhelmed." Zyshaun said.

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