Adrian 20

814 58 54

The entire time I was getting ready my phone was blowing up, somebody was determined to get in contact with me but Uncle Tristan told me to act normal and to go about my usual business and normal me doesn't answer my phone for unknown numbers. I finished getting ready and walked downstairs where Amaury and Julio were waiting, I looked around for Dro and Cardo but didn't see any signs of them; Julio had his chin resting in his hands and I could see that he was growing bored and impatient which spelled trouble because when he got bored he started looking for shyt to get into, kinda like me. Thankfully we were spared from having to deal with Julio because just as he was about to get up from the couch, Dro and Cardo walked downstairs and there wasn't a doubt in my mind what they were up there doing because Dro was trying too hard to act normal and Cardo seemed unable to make eye contact with anyone. After a few seconds of awkward silence Dro walked to the door and we all followed suit, God this was about to be a long ass night and hopefully, I'm able to sneak off without being caught because I really didn't want to be around them if I didn't have to.

"Damn Adrian, your phone has been blowing up since we left the house; who is so determined to get in contact with you and why?" Dro said playfully but I also knew he was being nosy. "Oh so what you can't talk now, you seem to have all that mouth with your teacher but when I try to have a friendly conversation with you about what's going on in your life you don't have shyt to saw."

"It's your side nigga, he's been calling me all day trying to get in touch with you, he wants to set up a time and place for y'all to fuck when Ricardo is at work." I said knowing I was probably going to get hit whenever we got out the car, but I became confused when Dro and Cardo started laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked.

"If Dro wants to see his 'side nigga' he knows he doesn't have to sneak around, I'd be more upset that he didn't let me watch him fuckin someone else than him actually fuckin someone else." Ricardo said and I couldn't tell if he was joking or not but my ploy to cause a little tension at dinner didn't seem like it was working. We arrived at the restaurant and were led to a table away from the other patrons, once we were all seated Julio was the first one to pick up his menu, he was holding it upside down and when I moved to correct it Dro grabbed my arm.

"Get your fuckin hand off me....." I said staring in his eyes and Dro stared back like he was trying to hold back his anger.

"My bad Adrian, it's just Julio likes to hold his own menu.... and if you try to take it from him he starts crying and making a scene, so it's best to let him think he's actually doing something." Dro said as I snatched my arm away from him, the tension between us was broken up by the waiter who walked over to the table.... now he wasn't the sexiest dude in the world but there was something about him that got me, Dro, and Cardo's attention.

"How's everyone doing tonight I'm Olyver, and I'll be your server tonight.... can I start y'all off with something to drink?" He asked and there was this accent that I just couldn't place, it was either Jamaican or Haitian.... but either way it was sexy as fuck.

"Actually we're waiting on one more person." Dro said checking his phone. "He said he's like five minutes away so can you give us a minute until he gets here?" Dro asked and the dude walked off.

"Do we really have to wait on Rico? I already know what I want.... Nova brought me here the other day and there was this pasta that was off the chain." Amaury said and he started a conversation with Cardo about other stuff on the menu and I noticed Dro staring at me.

"Adrian, look I know you're not feeling this but you'll see that in the end this was all for your good..... I don't wanna see you go down the same path as Tristan and Manny." Dro said and I fought the urge to roll my eyes, if he only knew the things I've already done he'd see that at this point there was no saving me. "Adrian you're not the only one who's done fucked up shyt in the past.... and if you ever want to talk about it I'm here Irmão mais novo (Little brother)." God, I hated that sentimental shyt he was preaching.

"Sorry, I'm late I'm still trying to learn my way around this city, it's so damn confusing....." Rico said walking over to the table with the hostess who was eyeing him lustfully. "I just got off the phone with Javi.... I think he's coming up here next weekend so....." Rico said and a look passed between him and Dro that told me something was going on between the two of them, some awkward tension. The waiter Olyver walked back over to the table and just like me, Dro, and Cardo, Rico couldn't stop staring and to my surprise, the dude couldn't stop staring at Rico even as he took all of our orders.

"Let me guess, you're going to try to get his number?" I asked knowing Rico was the biggest hoe at the table which is saying a lot because Ricardo was here.

"Nah, I'm here on official business... I don't have time to be messing around with anyone, with the exception of certain situations, but I'm not going to lie dude is sexy." Rico said glancing over at Olyver. They all started talking and I was looking for the perfect moment to escape; Ricardo was cleaning Julio's face, Amaury was lost in his phone, Dro was talking to Rico about something that I wasn't interested in so now was as good of a time as any. I got up from the table and walked off making it seem like I was going to the bathroom before dipping out the door...

"Ayy I'm on my way, I got caught up with some family shyt." I said into my phone as I started walking down the street.

"Aight I was starting to get worried, but I'm at my apartment so just call me when you get outside so I can buzz you up." Shymere said, I hung up the phone and stopped a taxi just as I was about to get in the car I noticed Uncle Tristan standing across the street looking at me. swear this nigga was like Batman, always popping up and shyt. I walked across the street and stood in front of him while he just stared at me.

"I thought I told you to be mindful of your surroundings?" He asked quietly and I shrugged. "See you're fuckin hardheaded..... but wassup with you not answering my calls earlier?" He asked.

"That was you? I don't answer unknown numbers so you can't be mad at me for not answering, besides you also told me to watch what I say on the phone so to avoid that issue entirely I've elected not to use my phone for anything other than communicating with family. But what was so damn important that you were blowing my phone up?" I asked looking in his eyes.

"I'm going to be heading down to Brazil for a few weeks and I won't have my phone so you won't be able to get in contact with me, if you need anything Benji and Chewie are staying behind to look after you..... oh and one more thing, Diablo is in town and he'll also be looking after you." Uncle Tristan said and a cold chill went down my spine. "Since you don't know what he looks like it works out perfectly because he'll be able to track your every move and you'll be none the wiser.... Trust me Adrian it's for your own good."

"Uncle Tristan, I......"

"You're going to see that nigga Rockstar, aren't you? Come on I'll give you a ride over there....." Uncle Tristan said cutting me off. The entire car ride was silent and I knew there was something that he wasn't telling me. "I hear Dro is about to be gone for a couple weeks." Uncle Tristan said and I shrugged.

"What's the got to do with me? You know I don't fuck with that nigga like. He's a bitch and I swear if he wasn't my brother I'd......" Uncle Tristan silenced me with a look and for the first time in a while, I saw him truly angry.

"That's another thing I wanna talk to you about.... I know me and Dro have our issues, hell our rivalry goes back to when your ass was in diaper, but one thing I can tell you about your brother... my nephew is that he's far from a bitch and despite the fact that he's on the straight and narrow now, I promise he'll still fuck you up and I'll fuck you up for disrespecting him." Uncle Tristan said.

"Yeah.... aight." I said trying to keep the sarcasm out my voice but I'm sure Uncle Tristan caught it. "So why do you wanna know what Dro is up to and what does that have to do with me?" I asked, Uncle Tristan, didn't say anything he just reached over and opened the car door, basically kicking me out.

"I'll be in touch....." He said and I got out the car and waited for him to pull off, I wasn't about to worry about what he was up to because I had more pressing matters to attend to, like going to see my nigga and fuckin until first period tomorrow...................

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next two chapters; Alejandro, Ricardo, Amaury, Valentino, or Rockstar? 

2) Which TWO characters should be added as main characters; Valentino, Amaury, or Rico? PICK TWO!!!! 

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