Alejandro 38

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Despite my eye being swollen shut, me and Rico were still evenly matched, maybe because he was holding back since I wasn't a hundred percent.... don't get it twisted me and Rico have fought plenty of times in the past, that's how we kept our friendship strong. When we had a problem we either talked it out or fought until we weren't mad anymore, Rico was a strategic fighter going for body blows that I normally would've been able to avoid but not today. He punched me hard as fuck in my side, the pain started in my kidneys and spread like a tidal wave throughout the rest of my body causing me to drop to my knees. Rico stood over me and while I tried to recover he had the upper hand, his fast came speeding towards my face and I had just enough time to register that he was going for a chin shot, only for him to pull back at the last possible moment grazing the bottom of my chin. Rico looked at me and smirked before walking over to the couch and sitting down. Once I had the strength to get up I walked over to the couch and sat next to him.

"If I would've connected, you would've been knocked out the ONLY reason I didn't is because I got shyt to take care of and I don't have time to be waiting for Ricardo to come and pick you up, plus my nephew is in the other room sleep and I don't wanna have to explain to him why you're knocked out on the floor." Rico said grabbing the remote.

"Ricardo is talking about taking Julio and going down to Houston to stay with his cousin Enzo for a while.... given everything that's going on I think it would be best but my selfish side doesn't want them to leave. I feel like I can handle things and I would feel a lot more comfortable knowing they were in the safest place possible which is close to me." I said quietly.

"Or... hear me out, the safest place for Ricardo and Julio is away from all this drama. We both know who's behind this and it's your Uncle Tristan, he's going to do whatever he can to get his way and there's literally nothing he won't do even if it means hurting family..... You know Tristan is crazy but he's not stupid, he'd never try to do anything towards Ricardo while he's around 'that' family." Rico said and while he had a point, I still felt like Ricardo and Julio should be here with me.

"What about Adrian? He's another target of Tristan's and my parents sent him to me to get him on the right track and yet he's in more trouble here than he was back in San Antonio." I said wondering how I should deal with Tristan, he was my mom's youngest brother... her Irmãozinho (little brother) and my mom took family very seriously so there were some things that were definitely off the table.

"Adrian needs an ass whoopin, he thinks he's the baddest nigga walking and he's not. Tristan got him thinking he's untouchable and you need to show him that there are things that are worst than death. As for Ricardo... you know where I stand, let him go to Houston and be with his cousin, Enzo... Zyshaun and the rest of them won't let anything happen to him or Julio." Rico said, I hated that he was making sense, as we sat there quietly the intercom buzzed and Rico looked down at his watch and jumped up. "You gotta go." Rico said looking around.

"How are you going to kick me out of my own penthouse?" I asked making myself even more comfortable.

"Dro please, I was with Olyver last night and we got interrupted and I promised him we'd link up again today... that was before I knew you were coming over, more likely than not we're going to pick up where we left off and I know you wouldn't appreciate me fuckin while Julio is here so....." Rico said and he better be lucky I wasn't with that blocking shyt otherwise I'd stay my ass here.

"Aight man but we gotta finish this conversation later on tonight." I said and he raised his eyebrow. "Tomorrow afternoon then..... let me go get my son." I said walking to the back and getting Julio who was still knocked out. I left the apartment and drove back to my house, I should've gone and checked on Adrian but he was still with that nigga Stefano and he seemed like he was good so I'd let him stay with that nigga for a little bit longer.

"Yeah.. just some family shyt that's going on but I'll be back soon.... just keep to your diet and workout plan and you should be good." Ricardo was saying as I walked into the house, I carried Julio up his bedroom and when as I laid him in the bed I heard Ricardo walk in the room.

"Three days Cardo.... that's all I'm asking for, just three more days with you and Julio and then.... then I'll take y'all to the airport myself." I said turning and facing him. "I gotta keep y'all safe and if that means sending you to Houston for a few weeks then I'll have to live with that." I said looking into his eyes.

"What happened to twenty-four hours?" Ricardo asked and I smiled.

"That's not long enough, I gotta spend tonight getting payback for that little stunt you pulled earlier, then tomorrow I wanna spend the whole day with you and Julio... though around noon I gotta talk to Rico again but that shouldn't take too long, then the third day I just want us to chill here.... we'll turn off our phone and just spend one last peaceful day at home.... Please?" I asked looking into his eyes.

"Why do I got this feeling that you're going to try to take these three days and turn it into a week, which will turn into a month, which will result in me not leaving at all?" Ricardo asked.

"Nah... three days and then you're taking your ass down to Houston, it's going to fuckin suck but I know it's for the best." I said walking over to him. "Come on... we got some time before the boy wakes up, I wanna give you something real quick." I said grabbing his hand, Ricardo tried to lead me to our bedroom but I had other ideas, I led him downstairs. "Strip...." I said looking into his eyes and Ricardo nodded, seconds later Ricardo was standing before me ass naked. "Turn around...."

"Dro what are you....." Ricardo started to say but I grabbed him, turned him around, and pushed him on the couch. Ricardo knew what was coming next as I dropped behind him and ran my hand all over his ass, I pushed his legs apart and just as my tongue was about to enter his ass, we heard a key enter the door. Ricardo jump up and darted out the room while I ran to the door to intercept Adrian.... but he wasn't alone.

"Ayy I didn't know you were back Dro, look who I ran into wandering around Times Square." Adrian said stepping out of the way and revealing Amor DeLeon... our cousin and the kid known throughout South America as O Ceifeiro, The Reaper. At seventeen years old Amor's body count was rivaling Smoke's.... there was a rumor that Amor went into a drug compound and killed twenty men by himself.

"Uhh wassup Amor." I said even though I knew he had resurfaced and that he was most likely working with Tristan. "Ayy I'm glad y'all are here or whatever but could y'all like... get ghost for about three hours?" I asked, mainly because I wanted to eat Ricardo's ass until his legs were numb and I had to carry him upstairs but also so I could plan for how I wanted to deal with Amor's arrival, because I knew whenever he showed up, death quickly followed.......

"Should I be concerned?" Ricardo asked when I walked into the kitchen.

"About Amor? Very... he ruthless, but he has rules... he won't kill anyone who shares his blood which doesn't include you and since we agreed that we wouldn't look into Julio's paternity...." I said quietly, I would like to believe that Amor wouldn't harm Ricardo and Julio but I wasn't a hundred percent certain. "I don't know why he's here, but I'm about to let him know he's not welcomed here, you should head upstairs and finish packing.... I'm going to take you and Julio to the airport tonight." I said sadly.

"What's going on Dro?" Adrian asked as we walked back into the living room, Ricardo walked upstairs and I sat across from Adrian and Amor.

"Amor.... I don't know what you're doing here and I really don't care, but you're not welcomed in my home. Family or not, you're too hot and I don't want you bringing any drama to where my son and husband lay their heads." I said in Portuguese.

"Alejandro, why is it that you assume I'll bring drama? I haven't seen my favorite cousin in a while and I'm also here looking at colleges.... I've left that lifestyle alone, I just hope that you'll see that I've changed." Amor said smiling but I knew better.

"So where do you plan to stay during these college tours?" I asked.

"I already have a place, but I just wanted to come and see you and let you know I'm in town, hopefully, we can link up soon.... I think we have a lot to discuss." Amor said before whispering something to Adrian. "Catch you later." Amor said walking out and I sat there staring at my brother, wondering what the fuck was he thinking by bringing him here........

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next two chapters; Ricardo, Adrian, Rockstar, Valentino, or Rico?

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