Rockstar 21

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Adrian walked into my house and looked confused and then angry, I know we were supposed to be chillin but I didn't expect my boy Bandit to pop up outta nowhere and since he was only in town for the night I couldn't let him come over here for nothing. Sure I could fly out to see him whenever but I could see Adrian every day and I sure once I explain the situation to him he'd understand. A little background on my boy Bandit since we're already discussing him, he was a rapper but he wasn't a mumble rapper like 90% of the dudes who were out right now, he was a rapper who spoke truth to power. He had no problem calling out anyone from politicians to other rappers, so he's made a lot of enemies in his career but I fucked with his realness because most dudes were about money and themselves whereas Bandit was about uplifting the black community. I glanced over at Adrian who was sitting in the corner with his arms crossed while me and Bandit caught up a little, I was definitely going to have to make it up to him later but I was already planning something special that I knew he'd really enjoy.

"Why didn't you tell me that you had company over?" Adrian asked and I could sense his irritation growing, but that's one of the many things I loved about his ass. He was always trying to play this tough guy role.... maybe I shouldn't say that he tries to play a tough guy because he told me some of the things he's done and though that shyt should send me running but the truth is it drew me closer to him.

"My bad baby... I didn't know Bandit was coming over, he just sorta popped up and I couldn't exactly turn him away because he flew out here to chill with me. Look he's not staying... let's just chill here, smoke a little and then when he leaves we can do what you invited yourself over to do." I said and Adrian shrugged before pushing his way into my apartment.

"That's you?" Bandit asked and I nodded. "Oh well, I hope he's not one of them stuck up ass queens who walk around with their nose in the air." Bandit said looking into the kitchen.

"Oh, you mean like the niggas you fuck with?" I asked and he smirked. "Nah, Adrian may not look like it but he's a hood nigga.... like dude will throw hands or shoot if it comes to it and he's real, not like that singing nigga you fuck with occasionally." I said

"Kekoa.... man things with him ain't that serious, but we can discuss that later but as far as your boy is concerned, I'll take your word for it.... but you really need to come out to St. Louis, like forreal man it's the best place to go whenever you wanna get away and focus on the music." Bandit said as Adrian walked back into the living room. "Ayy you smoke?"

"Whenever the mood calls for it, but I only smoke the best so if your shyt is trash I'm going to let you know." Adrian said and I saw the skeptical look on Bandit's face, I couldn't count how many times we've been smokin with someone and they claim that they only smoke the best only to start choking after the first pull.

"After you....." Bandit said and an hour later we were all sitting there and Bandit was eyeing Adrian with a confused as fuck. "Bruh you sure you ain't high."

"Nah... that shyt was trash, next time you're here I'll have some REAL weed. Shymere, you know better than to give me that weak shyt." Adrian said punching me in the arm and I was definitely going to get him back for that later on.

"I should've known your ass wouldn't be affected by this shyt.... now that I think about I don't think you've ever been high around me." I said looking at him.

"I've been high I just like to play it coo when I am because I don't wanna hear my brother's mouth.... but if you really wanna see me trippin a single shot of tequila will have you either in love with me or you'll never wanna talk to me again. But this shyt...." Adrian said holding up the blunt. "Nah this is garbage and like I said I know someone with weed so damn good..... y'all amateurs wouldn't know what to do with y'alls selves." Adrian said.

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