Alejandro 58

553 51 18

Had my parents not been here things would've gone a lot differently; for one Ricardo's shirt would've been ripped to shreds and his basketball shorts would've been dangling off of one ankle as I've been pushing his guts in..... When I got home Julio was sleep and my brothers were out, this would've been the perfect opportunity to let his ass know, but my mom was in the kitchen with Ricardo so all the desire and lust I was feeling for my dude had to be put on the back burner for now.... but in two days...... I walked out back where my pops was sitting on the patio, he had his 'deep in thought' look on his face and I knew better than to disrupt him; even though I loved my pops there was a small part of me that resented him, after learning what he said I felt that he was responsible for what was happening with Adrian. My little brother had always been defiant but hearing from your father that you're a 'lost cause' I really couldn't fault Adrian for choosing the easier path, which was to prove our pops right. It didn't help that he had my Uncle Tristan in his ear, filling his head up with these ideas that may have a little truth to him but knowing my uncle he probably left out the bad parts... the stuff that killed a lot of dudes in our family.

"Can I trust you to look after Adrian?" My pops asked as I sat next to him. I didn't know what to say because I've always looked after Amaury and Adrian, but his question seemed a lot deeper than what it appeared. "You were always a hard worker Dro, you never asked for shyt... you were the type to go out and get it on your own, even when you were little. I remember when you'd have my garage filled with cans that you'd collect from around the neighborhood." My pops said smirking.

"Yeah, you may not have said anything but mom would be pissed." I said laughing.

"That's because you'd collect cans for about a year before cashing them in and it took up way too much space. But you were a hard worker, Amaury was a fuckin pretty boy.... he reminds me so much of my brother it's crazy, had girls always around him yet he froze at the sight of pussy.... but once he got his first taste.... he's sitting at fifteen kids, thirteen boys and two girls.... and another on the way. That's where I see Amaury's path taking him. But Adrian..... I see so much of Tristan in him that it scares me, he's always been a hothead and my biggest fear is losing him." My pops said quietly.

"You gotta talk to him.... Adrian has the potential to be the best out of all of us, I've seen his drive if he sets his mind to something you can best believe it's going to get done. He just needs guidance and he needs you to believe that he can get past this." I said looking at my pops. "I look at Julio and I see shades of myself, but I also see shades of Cardo, and Amaury, and Adrian, and you.... and even Tristan; but I focus on the good in my son because I know at the end of the day it's about how we raise him." I said.

"I don't like Ricardo..... he's taken way too much money from me and at some point, it stopped being a joke and now it's beef." My pops said smirking. "But he's a good dude and he gets Adrian more than anyone does." He said quietly.

"I can't feel bad for you because I told you to stop betting him and plus that money comes straight to me so I just consider it payback for all the money you took from me whenever we made bets." I said. "But you should talk to Adrian before y'all leave.... if not then just show him that you love him because I think that's where the biggest disconnect is, Adrian thinks you don't love him." I said.

"Well hopefully he comes home tonight, and hopefully he wants to talk to me, but you know how stubborn your brother is...... so what's the deal with him and that basketball player?" My pops asked and I shrugged. "I don't know what it is.... but I like that kid, which is weird because I never even met him but I'm usually I good judge of character. Speaking of which, tell my other son Rico to be careful with that dude Olyver." My dad said and I would tell Rico but I wasn't sure if there was anything I could say at this point.

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