Ricardo 72

544 46 49

Pierre's idea of 'trying something different' was for us to sit in his sauna and get high as fuck, I couldn't explain it but somehow the weed just hit differently when surrounded by steam and I felt that shyt almost instantly like it was seeping in through my pores. I was slightly concerned about him getting suspended but he had been in the league long enough to know the exact date and times that they would start testing, also I guess it helps to have a frat brother who can give you the heads up when your 'random' test was coming up. While we smoked, I thought a lot about Dro.... this shyt with Tristan was really bothering me, something about it just didn't feel right to me and the more I thought about it, the less I wanted him to go down there. Honestly, I would feel better if Rico went with him but Rico couldn't up and leave his job, plus him being a federal agent would look extremely sketchy if he were to show up at Dro's side. I knew in my heart his mind was already made up though, I could hear it in his voice, see it in his eyes, and I knew that he was just looking for the right way to tell me that he was leaving.

"Trust your nigga..." Pierre said breaking my concentration, I turned to him and he put his hands up defensively. "Look, we've been working together for about two months and I've already figured you out; when you're in a good mood the workout is hell, when you're pissed I be ready to kill your ass, and when you and Dro are having a disagreement you seem out of it.... I just think that sometimes you tend to think you know what's best instead of trusting others who just may know the best course to take."

"Says the thirty-something single nigga.... I wasn't even thinking about Alejandro, I was counting the drops of moisture on that panel right there." I said smirking.

"Yeah right... your lips were moving and you kept mouthing the same three words 'Dro's dumb ass', ya man is smart.... he wouldn't be in the position that he's in if he wasn't. You should let him take the lead on whatever y'all are arguing about and you should fall back." Pierre said looking into my eyes. "But you're not going to do that because you're headstrong and hardheaded."

"I'm not.... this is just, I would ask your advice but you are the last person I would ever come to about relationship advice." I said smirking because I've heard rumors about his rocky relationship past.

"I was never the problem.... the women I've dated in the past were just lacking something that I've yet to be able to pinpoint exactly what that thing is..... but the good thing about this little smoke session is that I'm probably going to forget this conversation in an hour, so you can tell me anything and I'll give you some great advice. I always have my best ideas when I'm high......" Pierre said.

"If you were a parent.... would you be able to leave your child for a month in order to handle some family business that may cause you trouble in the future?" I aked and I was definitely oversimplifying the situation.

'I have a son.... he's about seventeen, I had to make a choice..... let him go live with his mom or give up football. I can't say if that's the right decision because even though I'm financially supportive, our relationship isn't the best.... but at the time I did what I had to do in order to make sure my son didn't grow up dealing with the same shyt I had to deal with. So if your child had to go one month without seeing his dad in order to make sure the rest of his life is smooth...... I think it's a small price to pay." Pierre said and there was only one thing on my mind.

"You were fuckin early weren't you?" I asked and he started laughing.

"Have you seen me? I'm fuckin sexy, women have always been drawn to me and I've always been able to talk them onto my dick. God knew what he was doing when he gave me this face, this body, these talents, and this dick." Pierre said grabbing his log. "Trust your man.... give him your support and before he leaves, give him a reason he'd want to come back." Pierre said just as my timer started beeping. "And with that, our session is over..... I need to hit the shower." Pierre said standing up and dropping his towel before walking out of the sauna.

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