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Khalil could be extremely persuasive when he wanted to be and I really couldn't see any flaws in his offer, but I still wanted to think about it... there was really no reason to rush into a decision like this without thinking about it. Usually, when something sounds too good to be true there was always some fine print that I wanted to know about, Khalil was a good dude, he always has been but when it comes to money... well you just never know. We finished up and Khalil walked off to find Marcus leaving me alone at the bar, I had lost track of why I was at the Circle in the first place, I was looking for some DISCREET fun, Phoenix made sure his employees were on point so now it was just a matter of picking who would be my victim for the next three or so days. As I looked around the room I spotted a familiar face and I was wondering what the fuck he was doing here, I walked over to Ricardo who was looking around as if he were looking for someone but when he saw me there was a bit of anger in his eyes as if whatever happened was my fault.

"Before you even start, I'm looking for Marcus... you just seem like the type that would come up with some weird scenario and run with it." Ricardo said and I smirked at his attitude, his dude was mean as fuck... then again I couldn't blame him, lack of sex tended to make me angry as well.

"See I wasn't even going to mess with you, I was going to ask how your conversation with Dro went, but seeing as how you're busy....." I said turning to walk away, but Ricardo stopped me.

"Let's go to the bar, I need a fuckin drink....." Ricardo said walking off. He was quick, having already ordered his drink by the time I caught up to him and I could see he was bordering on the edge of exploding. "So I decided to take your stupid advice.... however when I got home Alejandro was gone.... and when I tried calling his stupid ass he sent me straight to voicemail." Ricardo said.

"You gotta understand, Dro is a busy man.... I don't know the full extent of why he's leaving, but I've been around you and Dro long enough to know that he's crazy about you and he loves his son.... If he's leaving it's because he has to and you can bet that he's going to do whatever he can to make sure he's back as soon as possible." I said trying to put Ricardo at ease. "Hell my baby is in college and I still miss his lil ass like crazy, it's extremely difficult for me not to hop on a flight to Columbus just to check on him...." I said honestly.

"I'm not looking forward to those years.... but Columbus is a good city, especially around campus and since Matisse is a football player I doubt he's getting into too much trouble." Ricardo said and I smirked, Matisse was a younger version of me, without the filter and chill that comes with age. "Just the thought of Julio in college scares me...."

"I mean this respectfully, hopefully, he has Dro's personality.... you're a little too quick to pop off." I said and Ricardo gave me an evil look. "Come on Ricardo, we both know it's the truth..." I said getting a small smile out of Ricardo. "Look I know you're pissed about Dro leaving, but you know him better than I do, so you need to ask yourself... do you think he's leaving because he WANTS to or because he HAS to.... If the answer is the former, then you need to check him... if it's the latter then you need to offer him understanding because as hard it may seem... it's probably killin him and you're just making things worse." I said honestly.

"Maybe you got a point.... I'll TRY to talk to him normally, but if you're wrong.... our next workout session I'm going to try my hardest to kill you... so you've been warned." Ricardo said looking around the bar, he spotted Marcus and got up, leaving me alone with my drink and just as I decided to head up to my room, Khalil walked over to me.

"Rose Bowl, USC vs Ohio State... Noah versus Matisse.... you going?" He asked and I nodded. "Aight coo.... I'll see you there, we can talk more business and I got something else I wanna talk to you about but I don't wanna ruin the surprise....." Khalil said before walking off quickly.

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