Rico 42

639 52 24

I should really take my ass back to San Antonio, I should go back to the penthouse grab my brother, pack my shyt and get on the first thing smoking and get the fuck outta New York. The main reason I should leave is because while I'm supposed to be taking a leave of absence so far most of my vacation has been spent fuckin and it wasn't until I got in the car with Dro that I realized how sore I was from getting folded into a pretzel by Olyver. I don't know what it was about Olyver but that dude did something to my psyche, while I should be worrying about Javier every time I tried to think about him, Olyver would pop into my mind; the way his dick hit different spots, the way his ass tasted, and how freaky that nigga was...... Lemme tell y'all Olyver is by ar the freakiest nigga I've ever been with, the type of freaky that leaves an imprint on your soul, the type of freaky that you just need to sit back and appreciate. I kid you not, I was about to go on a shopping spree for that nigga, probably get in contact with the banks and pay off any student loans he has, hell I'd pay his rent for the next month; that's how good sex with Olyver is.... life-changing.

"Here's my thing.... why not you know... maybe..... beat that niggas ass?" I asked as we walked through the grocery store, Dro looked at me like the question was stupid but I thought it was a pretty simple and logical question. "Dro ever since that nigga Tristan got out of jail, he's been using the guilt of him taking that charge for you as a way to manipulate you, honestly I think you've repaid that nigga enough."

"I need to get the stuff to make Pão de Queijo (Brazilian Cheese Bread), Feijoada (black bean and pork stew), Camarão no Leite de Coco (one-pot shrimp in coconut sauce), Frango a passarinho (Brazilian Chicken wings), Brazilian Lemonade, and of course Brigadeiro (Chocolate fudge balls) and Brigadeiro Ice Cream (Chocolate Ice Cream)." Dro said completely ignoring me.

"Dro please don't tell me you feel guilty about saving that nigga's life, look I'll tell you like this it was either Tristan or dude so the very least he could've done was take that charge for you. How long are you going to let him hang that over your head? He got out and used that shyt against in San Antonio, then he followed you to Houston, now he's in New York.... like at some point you're going to have to say enough." I said massaging the back of my leg because I was still experiencing cramps from my night/morning with Olyver.

"Nah I'm not still feeling guilty about that shyt, it's over and done with.... this is about Adrian, it seems like my uncle has his sights on my little brother and I wanna know why. Then there was that little incident in Texas that resulted in me, Javi, Amaury, and the rest of them getting our asses whooped by some racist ass cops." Dro said and I felt a flicker of anger. "It would be too easy to cut Tristan off completely... however I can't stand by why he's actively going after Adrian for some nefarious reason." Dro said and I could see I was fighting a losing battle.

"Man the only way to solve this is to let me take care of it, I won't kill him but I'll send a message not to fuck with you..... It's crazy after all these years, I'm still lookin out for your funny lookin ass, remember in first grade that nigga Kenny.... no Kasey used to always try to fight you for no reason until I hauled off and broke his nose with my thick ass math book?" I asked and Dro smirked.

"Actually he had a reason, his best friend Titus always wanted to play house with me and Kasey got jealous... it didn't help that he caught us playing doctor in the cut during recess." Dro said and I just shook my head.

"So you've always been a little hoe?" I asked and Dro pretended to think about it for a second.

"Nah I'm still on one hand of the number of dudes I've fucked in my entire life..... you on the other hand, well I'm pretty sure if we counted the fingers and toes of everyone in this store we'd be at about half of your body count." Dro said and considering how packed the store was he wasn't that far off. "I got something in the works just trust me......" Dro said and with that we finished shopping and the entire time I couldn't help but feel like this dinner was going to be messy as fuck..............

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