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Dylan Cameron

"aspen, let's go! we were supposed to meet lola on set ten minutes ago" i yell from the front door

i hear footsteps rushing down the stairs and i smile in satisfaction.

"hold your horses. let's go and i'm not driving" she says passing me out the door

"duhh. i would like to make it to lunch. your driving is atrocious" i laugh while locking the door and following her to the elevator

"so where exactly are we meeting lola?" aspen questions

"she started a new show this week. i'm not really sure what it is but we are all going to lunch" i tell her

she nods and the elevator doors open. we both then start our walk towards me car. i notice aspen uncoil her pepper spray.

"nice call" i showing her my taser on my keychain

"you can never be too careful. it seems like they will try and pick up anybody these days" she says opening her car door

skip to set

i park my car and climb out. i then make my way over to lola's trailer with the directions she had given me before we left.

"i'm not sure what show set we are on but they do have a lot of nice looking people working" aspen says passing by two guys

i let out a laugh before agreeing with her. i stop in my tracks realizing we are lost. i huff before taking a turn and running into one of the guys from earlier.

"hi" i say awkwardly

"hey. are you guys lost?" he asks laughing

"yes. could you please show me where lola tungs trailer is? we are so behind in picking her up" i tell him

"sure but lola isn't actually in her trailer. she's still on set with rain, sean, and gavin at the moment" he explains

"okay. um, is there anywhere we could wait for her?" aspen questions

"yeah sure. follow me" he says with a smile

"i'm sorry, we never told you our names. i'm Dylan and this is Aspen. nice to meet you" i say with a smile

"it's nice to meet the famous Dylan and Aspen. lola talks about you guys a lot. i'm chris" he says

"if you don't mind me asking, what has lola said?" aspen questions

"well, we know you from youtube. i'm a fan myself and dylan i know because sean loves you. you're kind of his favorite model" she chuckles at the end

"that's nice" aspen says letting out a laugh

"well it'll be nice to meet everyone. can i ask what show this is?" i question being curious

"it's called the summer i turned pretty" he says

"this is that? i love that book" aspen yells excitedly

"yeah. we just started production but we are all pretty excited. it's a great book" he says with a smile

i look at them both confused. i had never heard of the book before and was wanting an explanation.

"i'm sorry. i have never heard of it. could one of you explain?" i ask

"are you serious? how are you my best friend but you've never heard of this book before?" aspen questions with a look of disbelief on her face

"i'm with aspen. you have to read the book" chris tells me

"seriously? that's so-" i am cut off by the sound of lola squealing

"dylan! aspen! what took you guys so long?" she questions with a big smile

"oh you know, we got lost and someone took her time getting ready" i say pointing towards aspen

"oh who cares. you never told us the show you were doing was the summer i turned pretty!" she tells excitedly catching the attention of many crew members

"okay, if you calm down, i will introduce you guys to the cast. okay?" lol says smiling with her hands on aspens shoulders

aspen nods excitedly and we can't help but laugh at her. lola then steps away to grab the rest of the cast when my eyes meet the one person i thought i would never see again. the person who took less than six hours to break my heart. the person i haven't heard from in five years. i break my eyes away from Gavin and look over to aspen. she wears the same look i have on my face.

"guys i want you to meet my two best friends. this is Dylan and Aspen. Dylan and Aspen, i want you to meet rain, minnie, chris, sean, summer, david, and gavin" lola says going down a list with a smile

"can i just say i am a big fan" sean says with a big smile on his face

"it's nice to meet you too. all of you guy's in fact" i say with a chuckle

i try my best to avoid having to look or talk to Gavin. i just want to get through this and then i will have a face full of delicious food and won't have to worry about it.

"sorry to cut this short but i'm starving" lola says holding her stomach

"yeah. let's go"

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