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Gavin Casalegno

Groaning from the sunlight, i turn over only to stop when Dylan cuddles closer to me. I was surprised I had woken up before she did. I lay there for a few minutes before deciding to get up. I kiss her forehead before putting on my sweatpants and start heading downstairs.

The house is quiet as I walk through. You can't hear anything besides my light footsteps and the occasional snores from every other bedroom throughout the house. I start making some coffee and grab some ibuprofen for Dylan before I started on breakfast. I made sure to make enough for everyone else because it was only a matter of time before they all start waking up.

"Long night?" Chris asks as he walks through the kitchen doors

"You could say that" I say finishing up the eggs and bacon

"After that fight and how tense it was in the ride home, none of us really knew what to do" he says leaning against the counter

"I wouldn't say it was tense. I was more worried than tense or angry" I tell him

I turn off the stove and put the bacon and eggs on the counter for everyone to make their own plates. I make Dylan's and then clean up the rest of the dishes before I take it upstairs to her.

"So what happened after you guys went upstairs?" He asks

"Uhh, we talked is all" I say not wanting to go into detail

"Must of been a hell of a talk" he says making himself a cup of coffee

I don't say much before grabbing Dylan's food, the ibuprofen, a bottle of water, and the coffee. I head upstairs to our room but not before passing the girls who looked like they had been hit by a bus. I let out a light chuckle, making them turn their frowns towards me. I continue on to our room to see Dylan still asleep. I sit the stuff down before crawling back in bed with her. She was still only in her bra and underwear from last night while wrapped under the covers. I bring her closer to me and she buries herself deeper into my chest.

"I made you breakfast" I say softly

She grunts not saying anything. I rub her arm while trying to get her to wake up.

"I'm not ready to get up" she says in a hoarse voice

"Will you at least drink some water and take the ibuprofen I brought you. I know you have a headache" I tell her

She grunts again before sitting up and squinting at me. I grab the water and ibuprofen before she takes it from me and swallows it.

"There" she says turning to lay back down

"Are you not gonna eat?" I ask her

She doesn't say anything as she slowly falls back asleep. I give her a kiss on the head before taking the plate back down to the kitchen and putting it in the microwave.

"Dylan still sleeping?" Aspen asks as I pour myself a cup of coffee

"She got up long enough to take something for her hangover and then she rolled over and went back to sleep" i chuckle

"Of course" she laughs along with me

It goes silent as Isabel let's out a loud yawn. No one says anything a they finish eating their breakfast and I continue with my coffee.

"What are we doing today?" Minnie asks

"I'm not sure about you guys but today is a lazy day for me. If you need me, I will me in my room or maybe on the beach but other than that, I do not plan on leaving this house today" Lola says waving her hand absentmindedly as she walks away

"Honestly, I'm with Lola. See you guys at dinner" Aspen says following behind Lola

"Speaking of dinner" David says looking around

"I wouldn't count in Dylan making it. At this rate, it's gonna take forever to try and get her out of bed today" i joke

"Hoe about the guys cook tonight?" Chris suggests

Sean looks over at David and then back to Chris, I'm guessing to make sure he heard right.

"You realize I can't cook right?" He says giving him a worried look

"I can cook a little bit. It may not be Dylan level good but it'll get the job done" Chris rolls his eyes

"And what are you guys gonna make?" Rain asks

None of us say anything as we all look back and forth at each other expectantly.

"This should be an interesting dinner"

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