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"thank you for that. i haven't been that relaxed in awhile" i tell isabel as we walk out of the message studio

"of course. i know that getaway was supposed to help you but i think that was way better than any trip. even if you had us with you" she chuckles

i check my phone to see a few messages and a missed call from my dad. he's picking me up for some quality time since i haven't been able to see him here lately.

"i'm sorry to cut this short but my dads picking me up. i'll see you later? back at the house?" i tell her

"yeah of course. dinner at your place later and maybe some movies but go. go see your dad. love you!" she yells

i wave before my dads car pulls up beside me. i smile before jumping the passenger side.

"hey bugs" my dad says kissing my cheek

"hey dad. how have you been? what's going on?" i ask buckling up

"well, i've been busy with work and then you know the truck i've been trying to fix up" he says making a u-turn

"ohh, how's that been going?" i ask him

"it's uh, it's been going good. i haven't had much time to finish it though. things have been uh, kind of hectic lately" he says stumbling over his words

"hectic? what do you mean hectic? dads what's going on?" i ask him concerned

"nothing. nothing. we will talk about it later. it's not important-"

crunching. the unmistakable sound of a crash. it happened so fast and so quick. i could barely register what was going on at the moment. i felt pain. pain in my arm and head but i couldn't think about that right now. my dad. my dad is all i could think about. i open my eyes slightly. he was unconscious and bleeding. a lot. it was a lot of blood.

"let's hurry up and get her out. that arm needs to be looked at"

i turn to see a light. i can see a paramedic trying to free me but struggling.

"no, no help him. help my dad" i mutter

Stay // Gavin Casalegno (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now