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Dylan Cameron

"Good morning sunshine" Chris says as I walk through the guys room door

"Good morning. Gavin around?" I ask

"He's still sleeping. How are you feeling?" He asks

"I'm good. I just needed to talk to Gavin" i tell him

He nods before pointing towards his room door. I then head towards the door, opening it to hear light snoring coming from the covers. I take off my slippers before climbing in beside Gavin. His curly hair is stuck to his forehead before I move my fingers up to move them away from his face. I bring my forehead close to his.

"Wake up!" I yell before he jumps

I laugh a bit before laying my head back on the pillow.

"Well that was pleasant" he says sarcastically

"I know. That's why i did it" I say smiling

He chuckled before laying back down beside me. We sit in silence, staring at each other.

"So" he draws out

"You love me" I say

He doesn't say anything but nods indicating that he does in fact love me. It goes back silent as we continue to stare at each other. I bring my hand back up, running my fingers through his curls.

"Gavin" I say

He hums in response, not opening his eyes as he continues to enjoy the feeling of my fingers running through his curls.

"I love you" I say

His eyes shoot open, not daring to move a muscle. He continues to stare at me as I continue to play in his hair. He grabs my hand, stopping any further movements.

"Say it again" he whispers

"I love you Gavin" I say looking into his eyes

His face goes from being sleepy to a bright smile replacing it. He jumps up, catching me off guard. He then starts jumping in the bed causing me to giggle at his antics.

"Yes! I knew it! She loves me!" He tells before running out of the room

"Dude! You dropped my waffles!" I hear Chris groan

I chuckle before Gavin comes running back in the room. He doesn't slow down, only continues to pick up speed before jumping on me.

"Having fun?" I ask chuckling

"You love me? You really love me? And not just friend love but actual love? Like in love, love?" He questions excitedly

"Yes. I am completely in love with you and I have been for a long time" I say kissing his nose

"No kiss on the lips?" He pouts

"Not until you brush your teeth" i say with sass


"Good morning you guys" I say from Gavin's back

On the way down to breakfast, he decided he wanted to give me a piggy back ride. We both are still in our pajamas but at this time, neither of us cared at the moment.

"Good morning" jenny says smiling at us

As we walk up to the group, they all stop before Isabel jumps up and starts running around screaming out 'yes! I knew it! She loves me' just as Gavin did an hour ago.

"So you love each other?" Sean says sarcastically

"Well duh" I say jumping down from Gavin's back

"It's about time" Chris chuckles

"I know. Constantly giving Gavin advice and only watching him fail was getting old. I'm proud of you buddy" Isabel says jokingly

"Ha ha" Gavin says sarcastically rolling his eyes

"So are you two officially together now?" Lola questions

I look over at Gavin as he tenses up slightly. I let out a laugh as everyone groans out.

"I wouldn't say officially" I say jokingly

"And why not?" Minnie questions

"He never officially asked me" I shrug taking a sip of my coffee

"Oh Gavin" Isabel let's put a sigh

"What ever are we gonna do with you" Sean says leaning on Gavin's shoulder

"Shut up and don't worry. I have a plan" he says winking at me

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