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sunlight. my newfound enemy. i groan as my head starts pounding. i turn my head to see a water bottle and pain medicine. i grab it quickly, downing the medicine. i groan grabbing my head.

getting up, i go straight to the bathroom connected to my room. i start the shower, turning the water to hot. steam fills up the bathroom quickly as i undress. the steam engulfs me, almost bringing relief. it would be perfect if my stomach wasn't doing turns. i hurry with my shower routine before stepping out to get dressed.

"good morning sunshine" aspen says entering the room

"what the hell happened last night?" i ask wrapping my hair up in my towel

"well, you got wasted but we took care of you. you were the real life of the party last night by the way" she chuckles

"thanks for taking care of me" i say hugging her

"i'll always take care of you, you know that. also, do you remember anything from last night?" she asks

i turn giving her a look. i think before i open my mouth.

"i remember sining karaoke and some stairs but other than that, it's kinda all a blur" i explain

"well, after we got home, you ran somewhere hiding. it took us a minute to find you and when i did, you were stuck on the steps. you also were on your phone but i took before you could do anything bad" she explains

"what was i doing on the steps with my phone?" i ask her

she laughs before grabbing my phone out of her pocket and handing it over to me. i grab it, unlocking it and going through it. my eyes widen as i notice the text and a ten minute call between me and gavin.

"i drunk dialed gavin?"

Stay // Gavin Casalegno (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now