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Dylan Cameron

I turn over to an empty spot making me groan. I open my eyes slowly due to the bright light shining through the curtains. I release a yawn before getting up and wrapping my half naked body in a blanket. I go to our bathroom, brush my teeth and then start the shower, hoping to ease the slight headache I still had. The ibuprofen Gavin had given me helped but only to a certain point. Once I'm done in the shower, I get out and throw on some sweatpants and a cropped shirt. The sun was still bothering me, so I grab my sunglasses and my comfort blanket. I slowly make my way down stairs where I can hear laughter.

"Good afternoon sleeping beauty" Minnie says from the couch

Her words make everyone turn towards me. They all were watching a movie together.

"What the bell Dylan" Aspen says laughing

"My head hurts okay" I whine taking a seat next to Gavin

He throws his arm around me before giving me a quick kiss on the side of my head. I snuggle into his side as everyone keeps looking at me with amused facial expressions.

"So how did you sleep?" Rain asks with a wide smirk

"Like a baby" i sigh

"With the help of Gavin from what we heard last night" Isabel mumbles

Everyone starts laughing as Gavin's cheeks turn bright red. I let out a laugh at his face before giving him a quick kiss.

"At least I ended up having a good night" i say smugly

"Whatever. How's your head?" Aspen asks

"Still hurts but not as bad. What time is it?" I ask releasing another yawn

"Dyl, it's three in the afternoon" Sean say scoffing

"Why'd you guys let me sleep for that long?" I ask looking between all of them

"Oh no, do not give any of us that look. You know what happens when people try to wake you up" Aspen says

I go silent as flashbacks of our previous arguments start popping up in my head. Maybe I couldn't blame them considering I could be the actual devil when woken up from my sleep.

"Touché but I still can't believe I slept that long" i groan out

"I still can't believe you guys fought some random dude and his girlfriend last night" David says

Us girls all look at each other with proud smiles on our faces. It wasn't the best night but at least we handled it ourselves. That guy and his girlfriend had no right starting something they couldn't finish.

"In our defense, we told both of them to leave us lone twice" Lola says shrugging

"Very true" David says agreeing

"But still. You guys are just full of surprises" Chris says chuckling

"At least we know how to handle ourselves" rain shrugs

"When's dinner? I'm starving" I pout

The girls turn their eyes over to look at the guys. My eyebrows go up in confusion. Why they would look at them, I have no clue. The guys weren't exactly the best when it comes to cooking.

"Ask them. They are on kitchen duty tonight and they haven't even gone grocery shopping yet" Minnie says smirking

"You guys sure you don't want me to cook? I don't mind" I say looking towards the guys

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