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Gavin Casalegno

"Where are you going again?" I ask Dylan as she walks out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel

"Me and Aspen just need some girl time. We are gonna go get manicures and pedicures. Then we might go to the mall" she says grabbing some clothes and heading back towards the bathroom

"Are you okay?" I ask walking towards the bathroom door

Before I can open the door, she opens it wearing her bra and underwear. I stop in my tracks out of shock seeing her wear the matching black set and her skin seems to glow.

"Yeah I just need a girls day with Aspen. We haven't really hung out much lately" she shrugs heading over to her closet, snapping me out of my trance

"Okay. Well, you guys go out and I'm gonna go hangout with the guys. Just let me know if you guys need anything" I tell her



"Where's Aspen and Dylan today?" Chris asks

"They went out by themselves. They are having a girls day" I say sighing

"You okay?" Sean asks me

"I'm fine but it's been kinda weird since the other night" I shrug

"What happened the other night?" Chris asks

I stay quiet, not wanting to come clean about the conversation. It wasn't the conversation itself nor was it Dylan who's done anything. It's just something personal I hadn't yet told her about but I knew I needed to.

"Gavin I swear if you put you're foot in your mouth again, I'm not helping you out of the doghouse" Sean says throwing his arms up dramatically

"Nothing bad happened" I say rolling my eyes

"Then what happened the other night that has made things weird between you two?" Chris asks

"Nothing. I'm gonna head back to the house. I'll see you guys later"


"Gavin, I'm back. Aspen decided to go see Aiden after we got done shopping!" I hear Dylan say walking in

"In the bedroom" I yell back as I finish setting up her bedroom

She walks in and sees the array of food set up along with a pallet made on her bed. I made sure to grab her favorite snacks and drinks, along with a few picks of her favorite movies for the night.

"What's this?" She asks sitting her bags down in the doorway

"I just thought you deserved a special night" i tell her taking her bags and putting them in the closet

"That's sweet of you"she says following after me

"Why don't you go get changed and I'll get the popcorn" I say kissing her head before heading out towards the kitchen

I grab the popcorn off the counter and put it in the microwave. As I'm waiting for the microwave to beep, I feel arms wrap around my waist and something rest on my back.

"Ready to lay down?" Dylan asks as the microwave beeps

I nod before taking it out and putting it into a bowl. I then grab Dylan's hand and drag her back to the room. I turn on one of the halloween town movies before getting comfortable beside Dylan.

"What's got you being sweet?" She asks cuddling up to me

"I can't do something nice for my girl?" I ask looking down at her

She shrugs before turning her attention back to the movie. I keep my attention on her for a little longer. I knew what I wanted and I was gonna make it happen. Of course I will make sure it's what she wanted and I will make it special for her.

"What are you staring at?" She asks turning back towards me

I don't say anything as I bring my lips closer to hers. Her eyes widen a bit but she doesn't fight it. She brings her arm around my neck as i deepen the kiss.

"Was this your plan all along?" She asks smiling


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