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The past few weeks have been very hectic. I've started a bit of physical therapy and my doctor still has me taking it easy.

"When will this end" David groans

"I'm starving. When's lunch?" Sean asks pouting

"We still have two hours left bud and then three more interviews after that" I say rubbing his head

"Are you guys ready for the second interview?" Jenny asks smiling widely while entering the room

The boys groan before getting up and following behind us girls and Jenny. An arm is then wrapped around my shoulder, making me look up and smile at Gavin.

The group is then overcome with camera flashes and loud murmuring throughout the room. We are all hurried over to the stage to take our seats before the interview started.

"Welcome everyone. Now we are gonna start off slow. Please don't hound us. We will get to all of your questions. You first" Jenny says pointing towards a girl in a pink shirt

"What was the best part of being on set with everyone?" She asks

"I would have to say the jokes between Chris and Dylan. There is never a dull moment with these two" Sean says pointing between the two of us

"I think the bond we have all formed together. These guys are crazy don't get me wrong but they are the best" Minnie days causing us all to aww at her

"I'm gonna say the pranks. David is the best prankster" I say laughing

"Next question. Uh you with the glasses"

"This is for Dylan and Gavin, i just wanna say I love you guys together. But my question is, how long have you guys known each other?" She asks

"You wanna take this one?" Gavin asks

"Sure. Me and Gavin have known each other since elementary school actually. He moved away when we were in high school and we just recently got to be friends again" I explain smiling

Gavin grabs my hand squeezing it before someone else pipes into the conversation.

"Friends? I thought you guys are dating?" Someone questions

I choke up a bit before Gavin squeezes my hand once more, taking over the conversation.

"Oh no, we are most definitely together" he says kissing my hand

"But there's speculation that you guys are only together because-" before anyone can continue, Jenny takes the microphone

"Okay, enough of the speculated question. This panel is not to spread false information. We are here to answer your questions. Now please, let's move on"


"That was hell" i groan falling into the couch

"Actual hell" Lola says taking the seat next to me

"Every questions was either about Gavin and Dylan or if any of us were dating at all" David says sighing

"And it's just gonna get worse" rain says laying out on the floor

"Guys, not to make a bad situation worse but you're trending on twitter" Chris says bringing his phone to me and Gavin

User1: how stupid do they think we are? There's no way they were that close all those years ago and just now started dating out of nowhere #thesummeriturnedpretty

User2:all I heard was lies @dylancamerongray @gavinsasalegno

User3:nobody likes a liar 🙄 #thesummeriturnedpretty

User4:eat dirt @dylancamerongray @gavincasalegno

"Great! That's just perfect" I say groaning

"Okay do not panic. We will fix this, i promise" Jenny says walking into the room

"How?" Gavin asks

"Well for starters, you guys need to show a little more pda out in public" she tells us looking at her phone

"I know it might help but I don't wanna make Dylan uncomfortable" Gavin tells her

Jenny then stops and looks at me, making everyone turn and go silent.

"You don't have to do anything extreme. Maybe more handholding and just a kiss or two for the cameras" she tells me

"I'll only do it if you say it's okay" Gavin says putting his arm around me

"I'll do it"

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