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Dylan Cameron

"Thank god. Now all I wanna do is shower, get in my pjs, and hangout with you guys" i say wrapping my arms around Lola and Minnie

"Movie night with the boys?" Minnie asks

"Definitely but I have to shower first" I say walking into my room

I grab a pair of leggings, a sports bra, and a hoodie. I turn on the shower while getting undressed before Minnie barges in along with lola.

"What the hell you guys" i say jumping behind the shower curtain

"Sorry, the guys had us cornered" lola says locking the door

"For what? What did you guys do?" I ask closing the shower

"They started it!" Minnie yells out

"You guys started a prank war though!" I hear Sean yell through the door

"Leave us alone!" Lola yells back

I roll my eyes trying to hurry my shower along before banging is heard at my door. I huff before shoving the curtain open.

"Can I not shower in peace?!" I yell loud enough for the boys to hear

It goes quiet as I close the curtain back. I finish washing my hair before washing up the rest of my body.

"Sorry Dylan" I hear everyone yell as the door opens and closes

I sigh turning the water off and grabbing my towel. I throw my clothes on quickly before exiting the bathroom and seeing everyone waiting for me as I exit.

"What's going on?" I ask confused

"Waiting for you" Chris says shrugging

"Why?" I say starting to brush through my hair

"Movie night"


"So now that the shows done, what happens now?" Gavin questions

"Maybe now we'll actually be able to spend time together and not just for publicity" i joke while playing with his hand

After the last movie, everyone had passed out besides Gavin and I. It was already very late and we had one last interview before we all start to head home.

"I would like that. I can actually take you out on a real date and not one that someone else planned or told me where to take you" he smiles

"That would be nice for a change" I chuckle

"I just want you to know that I really do love you and I care do you so much. I'm not gonna promise that I won't mess up again but I will be better than what I have been in the past" he proclaims

"I know and whatever happens, I won't just walk away. We will get through whatever happens"

Stay // Gavin Casalegno (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now