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Dylan Gray

"Dylan! Dylan!" I hear Aspen yell before entering my room

I groan due to her loudness. After the day I've had, I decided to take a quick nap.

"What?" I groan

"You have to get up! Now!" She tells throwing the covers off of me

"Dude, what is your problem?" I ask sitting up in my bed

"When's the last time you've been on instagram?" She asks taking a seat beside me

"Why? Am I getting death threats now?" I groan out again

"No but someone did confess his love for you in a very cute post that would make any girl break down and cry happy tears" she says with a hand over her chest

"What are you talking about?" I ask confused

"Look" she says shoving her phone in my face

I grab her phone, moving my hair out of my face. I look at the photo of me and Gavin before my eyes move down to the paragraph he wrote a little less than two hours ago. My eyes go wide as he indeed did profess his love for me.

"Dylan I know you guys are starting off as friends right now but even you have to admit that that's the cutest shit you've ever read" she says gushing over the paragraph

I don't say anything as I just sit there taking in what I had just read. I knew what I felt and I knew for a long time but didn't want to act on my feelings. Not yet anyways.

"Oh god. Please don't cry. Why are you crying?" Aspen asks frantically

I can't help as a sob releases from my mouth. I am overcome with so many emotions that I just can't stop myself.

"Dylan please say something. Just don't cry please" Aspen says attempting to get me to stop crying

I try to speak but my words are caught in my throat. The words that do come out sounds like gibberish. Aspen is still trying to get me to calm down but nothing is working.

"Okay what's going on?" Lola asks walking through my hotel door along with rain, Minnie, and Isabel

"Why is she crying?" Isabel asks wrapping an arm around me

"I showed her Gavin's post and she's been crying ever since" Aspen tells her

"Dylan, can you please talk to he?" Minnie says carefully

"I- i" I get out before another sob escapes my mouth

"Should I go get Gavin?" Rain asks

"I don't think that's a good idea right now" Aspen tells her

Aspen takes the seat beside my, wrapping her arms around me. She continues to calm me down but is not successful in any way.

"Heyo! We are gonna go get dinner. You guys wanna join?" Sean asks bursting through the door

The girls yell a quick get out before he jumps in surprise and high tails it out the door.

"Idiot" Lola says playfully making me release a muffle giggle at Sean's reaction to being screamed at.

"Girls night?" Rain asks looking at me

I nod my head before releasing a shaky breath.

"Good. Now go wash your face and we will go grab some snacks for the night" Aspen tells me


Aspen Spencer

"You guys go down to the gift shop and I'm gonna go grab some drinks across the hall" i tell the rest of the girls

I walk to the little walk way where they have a stock room full of drinks and ice for the guests to grab whenever.

"Aspen, what was that? Why'd you guys yell at me and why was Dylan crying?" Sean asks stopping me in the door way

Not only was Sean there but so were the rest of the boys.

"Sorry, Dylan doesn't like it when people see her cry and as for the reason of her crying, she saw Gavin's post" I say looking over at him

His face visibly falls along with his posture. He look's defeated in a way. He almost resembles a puppy that's been kicked.

"What did she say?" He asks worriedly

"She hasn't said anything. She's been crying too much for us to get anything out of her" i explain

"I should go talk to her" he says about to walk away before the boys stop her

"Maybe give her a little bit. I mean that was the first time you've let her know how you feel" Chris says grabbing his arm

"I think Chris is right. Don't get me wrong, your post was very sweet but I'm not sure if it was a good thing or bad thing at the moment" I tell him

"Why did she start crying then?" He asks with a sad look on his face

"I'm pretty sure it's nothing. I'll talk to her, don't worry about it" I tell him

"Just see if you can get her to talk" Sean says

"I will. I gotta get back. We are having a girls night"i tell them

"And you didn't invite us?" David questions

"You don't meet the criteria" i yell over my shoulder

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