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"i'm so tired" minnie whines as she lays her head on the counter

"remind me again why we stayed up so late?" lola questions

"because we are idiots" i say banging my head against the vanity in my trailer

me and the girls had gotten a little carried away last night. after our night out on the town, we all went back to my place. that's where the real party started. what was supposed to end up being a very chill night, ended up being very chaotic. it started with a simple glass of wine but ended with two empty bottles, a half eaten pizza, and random phone calls with whoever would pick up after the second ring.

"what's up ladies" sean yells entering the trailer with chris, gavin, and david

we all groan at the sound of his very loud voice bouncing off the walls of my trail.

"shut up" rain groans throwing a water bottle and missing his head by an inch

"okay. looks like somebody had a long night" david says laughing

i bring my head up to my hands, almost squeezing my head. it was very relieving to a point but i had no complaints.

"long night? try getting a call from them around three in the morning of them singing your body is a wonderland" chris says full on laughing now

we groan as all the guys are now laughing at our misery. rain suddenly jumps up holding a hand over her mouth and running to the bathroom connected to my trailer.

"i'm gonna be sick" she says slamming the door shut

"oh yeah. you guys definitely had a crazy night" sean says shaking his head

"how many more scenes do we have for the day?" lola asks rubbing her forehead

"i think three" chris says making us groan

"i come bearing gifts ladies!" aspen says walking into the trailer

"please say you brought coffee with you" i ask with my eyes still closed

"i did and i brought water, as well as breakfast" she says holding up a few bags

"you are a saint" minnie says taking a water, muffin, and coffee

"i'll skip the food but hand over a water and a coffee" i say taking the coffee and water from her

"are you guys gonna be able to make it through the next few scenes?" gavin asks with a concerned look on his face

"i think we'll be good as long as we stay hydrated" lola says drinking on her water

"how come you don't look like them?" chris asks

"hey!" we all yell

"sorry but seriously you guys look like hell but she looks like a fresh daisy" chris says shrugging

"i'm a little bit of a light weight when it comes to drinking so i ended up passing out before it got out of control" aspen explains

"okay ladies! next scene in thirty minutes!"

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