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Dylan Cameron

"i would just like to make a toast. i'm so thankful to have such an amazing group of ladies not only as my costars but as my new friends. i love you guys" Lola says smiling at each of us

"aww Lola" i say hugging her

"okay, enough with trying to make me cry" minnie says laughing

it goes silent as we finish up our dinner. after everyone's plates are clear, we move on to dessert, ordering some chocolate cake.

"so, since we are all here. i would like to ask a question i've been dying to ask Dylan" lola says with a knowing look

"bring it on" i say already knowing what she's going to ask

"what's the deal between you and gavin?" she ask

"i would also like to know. it got pretty awkward the other day between you guys" minnie says taking a bite of her cake

"it's kind of complicated" i say sighing

"can you explain it or do you not wanna talk about it?" rain asks with concern in her eyes

"me and gavin used to be friends. best friends at that. i used to have the biggest crush on him. he was about to move but of course, i didn't want him to. he had been there for me through a lot. especially when my mom left us. he didn't tell me when he was leaving but one day, he asked me to meet him and i did. when i got there, it was raining and he was just standing there. watching the rain. he ended up kissing me and that, that was everything for me. the next day, he was gone. i tried calling of course but he had just told me to leave him alone. after that, i never talked to him or saw him until a few days ago" i explain to them

"that idiot" Lola mumbles

"i'm sorry gavin is an idiot" minnie says making me laugh

"i just wish he would have talked to me after he left. him kissing me was the best thing that happened but was also the worst. i missed him. i mean he was my best friend for crying out loud" i say

"i'm sorry Dyl" lola says giving me a hug

"it explains why you've been cold to him these last few days"


gavin you are such an idiot

the biggest idiot i know

did we miss something?

what did i do?

dylan deserved better

what the hell did you do

i know she did and i am an idiot. i know that

glad we are on the same page

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