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Gavin Casalegno

"who's ready for movie day!" dylan yells running through the door

chris laughs as the other girls come running in with their pajamas on.

"i brought pizza and candy" dylan says smiling holding

"i can see that. have you been in the candy yet?" sean asks with an amused look on his face

"maybe but first movie, we have to watch percy jackson" she says bouncing with excitement

"okay yes!" lola says giving dylan a high five

"logan lernan is stupid hot" aspen says opening a bag of skittles

"okay, let's change the subject. i have popcorn going but we need to bring some bean bag chairs down from the guest room" chris says

"i'll help" dylan says following him upstairs

"me too" david tells jumping up

i roll my eyes slightly. i knew david had a crush on dylan. it was pretty obvious but it was kind of annoying to witness.

"can you hand me the remote please?" aspen asks me

i grab the remote from the end table before handing it over to her with a smile.

"i still think you're an idiot" she dead pans

my face drops as minnie, lola, and rain burst into laughter at her comment.

"she's not wrong you know"lola says sitting beside me

"i know" i say sighing

"you did her wrong and no matter how many times she says it's fine, you need to make it up to her" she tells me

"but how? she barely gives me the time of day as it is" i say feeling defeated

"you'll figure it out because if you don't make it right, i will hurt you" aspen says interrupting our conversation

"okay, pop a squat and let's watch some percy jackson!" dylan yells belly flopping onto a bean bag chair


"what now?" sean asks after finishing the last high school musical

"let's watch the original nightmare on elm street" aspen yells

"oh i am so down!" dylan agrees

"okay. nightmare on elm street it is" chris says putting it on screen



Dylan Cameron

"aww how cute" minnie says giggling

we all look over to see sean and gavin fast asleep, cuddled up with each other. i won't lie, it was kinda cute how they were huddled up together sleeping.

"can i ask you a serious question?" chris asks looking at me

"sure" i say

"do you think you and gavin will ever be okay? i mean, would you forgive him?" he ask

"maybe. i think if he at least apologized and means it, i'll be able to forgive him. i still love him but it would take some time before we could ever go back to how things were. i think i never really stopped missing him. he was my best friend after all" i say giving a shrug

he gives me a nod and smile before squeezing my hand reassuringly. i then turn my attention back to the movie before a loud scream is let out, scaring me half to death.

"what the hell sean" i scream holding a hand over my chest

"why did you do that?" he screams at aspen

aspen is trying to contain her laughter as she has an empty cup in her hand and tears in her eyes.

"i couldn't resist"

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