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Dylan Cameron

"So how was your talk with lover boy last night?" Aspen asks from the counter

"He's still scared he's gonna lose me" i tell her honestly

"Why does he think that?" She questions confused

"In his mind, he thinks he's not enough for me" i tell her

"Does he not realize no matter what he did, you have been in love with him since freshman year?" She questions

"I don't know but I know he's terrified that he's gonna lose me this time and for good" I tell her

It goes silent as I start making breakfast. I decided on making French toast and bacon. Once I was done, I cleaned the dishes and straightened up the kitchen before grabbing the tray and heading back to my bedroom.

"Gavin" I say while shaking him slightly

He opens his eyes slowly before lifting his head up in confusion. He then looks at me and then over to the French toast.

"You made me breakfast?" He questions

I nod, giving him a kiss on cheek. I put the tray on the bed before turning on SpongeBob as we eat.

"Thank you" he says taking another bite of his french toast

"You're welcome. Now, we have a full day. I cleared my schedule so it's just you and me today" I tell him

"I thought you had some fitting to get to today?" He asks

"I can do that early Saturday morning but today is for us" i tell him

"You didn't have to do that but thank you" he says

"Of course. After we get done eating, get dressed and then we are gonna head out"


"Where to first?" He asks

"Would it be completely cheesy if we got matching shoes?" I ask him unsure

"No, let's do it" he says

I chuckle as we walk into the Nike store. I follow him over to one of the many walls filled with shoes ranging from white all the brown.

"What color?" I ask him

He doesn't say anything before he goes over grabbing a pair of sage green ones.

"Sage green? You don't want them in your favorite color?" I ask him

"I'd rather have them in yours"


"What's next love?" He asks with his arm around me

"Well there is a volleyball game happening down at the beach. Would you wanna check that out?" I ask him

He nods quickly before changing our direction towards the car. I laugh as he ushers me in quickly.

"Should we stop by the house to change?" He asks

"I brought a bag just in case" I tell him

"I love you" he says grabbing my hand and kissing it

I can feel my face getting hot as he starts heading towards the beach. I don't think I've seen him this happy. Don't get me wrong, he's always pretty happy when he's around me but he just seems more alive I'm a way and it made me really happy to see him like that.

Stay // Gavin Casalegno (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now