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Dylan Cameron

"Don't leave me" i whine as Gavin stumbles out of my bed

"I told the guys I'd meet them in twenty minutes" he says putting his boxers on

"You can't tell them you'll be a little late?" I say grabbing onto his hand

"What about the girls" he asks bending over to kiss me

"Knowing them, it will be at least another forty five minutes before they get here" i say smiling into the kiss

I don't let him go as he tries to pull away and bring him in deeper to finish off the kiss. I make sure to bring him back into the bed and make it to where he has a hard time getting up again.

"Babe" he chuckles out

"Fine. If you wanna leave, it's fine" I groan letting him go

He smacks his lips before grabbing me and picking me up. I squeal due to the fact I was half dressed. I had underwear on but my bra was nowhere to be found.

"I think the guys can wait a few more minutes" he says smiling

I wrap my legs around his waist before bringing my lips back to his. His lips trail down to my neck making me sigh in content.

"Dylan! Are you out of bed yet!" I hear Lola scream

"Uh yeah! Give me a few minutes please!" I yell over Gavin as he continues kissing my neck

"Girl, how long does it take to put on your usual pair of leggings and t shirt?" Rain says stopping in her tracks as she takes in the scene in front of her

Not only is Lola and rain here but Minnie, Isabel, and Aspen are standing right behind her. They all currently have a clear view of what's going on at this very moment.

"Well, this is interesting" Aspen says smirking

"I'm scarred for life. I'll be in the kitchen washing my eyes out if you guys need me" Lola says walking back towards the kitchen

"Very funny" I say rolling my eyes

"Mind putting on a shirt? Also, Chris is waiting on you downstairs in the car" Isabel says wearing a smirk like Aspen

I roll my eyes again before shooing them out of the room. Gavin let's me down before dressing me in his shirt.

"That's my cue. I'm gonna grab some clothes and take a shower over at Chris'. I'll see you later" he says kissing me one last time

I nod before he walks out of my room. I then go to the living room to greet the girls officially.

"Well how the tables have turned" Aspen says jokingly

"Shut up" I say covering my red face

"I can't believe that's what we walked into. I was not expecting that" Isabel says shockingly

"What do you mean?" I ask leaning against the wall

She gives me a look I can't quite decipher. It makes me a little nervous.

"What is it Isabel?" Minnie asks

"I just can't believe Gavin finally did it" she says

Aspen then looks at me and I look back at her with the same confused look.

"Did what?" Aspen asks slowly

"That he let you take his virginity" she says as if i should know what she's talking about

I stay still not saying or doing anything. It now made sense why he struggled with moving forward with us.

"Virginity?" I question

"Yeah. Did he not tell you? I thought he would have said something to you. He was really worried about that for a while. He would call Chris anytime something went down between you guys" she says

I don't say anything. I remove myself from the group before grabbing my phone and sending Gavin a quick text.


Gavin Casalegno

"Hey guys" I say getting in the car

"What the hell took you so long?" Sean asks

"What the hell is that on your neck?" Chris asks from the front seat

I shrink down in my seat a little and I can feel my cheeks instantly turn red. I stay quiet as the attention goes straight towards my neck.

"Did you do it?" Sean asks

Chris looks at me expectantly as I don't say anything. I then hear my phone start dinging.

"Gavin?" Chris questions again

"Maybe" I say quietly

They both get a little rowdy as we continue down the road. I laugh at the antics as I look down at my phone to see a message from Dylan. My face falls before I look up.

"Um, you gotta turn around. The girls cancelled breakfast" I tell them

"Why would they cancel breakfast? Let me see that" Sean says grabbing my phone from me

"Turn the car around now. Breakfast is canceled" Sean says reading the message from Dylan

"What just happened?" Chris asks stopping at a stop light

"I have no idea" i tell them

"I still don't get why breakfast was cancelled" Sean pouts

"I'm not sure either but I'll text you guys later"

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