847 9 1

Dylan Cameron

"Hey babe, can you bring me my shoes? I'm running late for this meeting" Gavin yells from the kitchen

I groan having to get up from the bed and heading to his closet. I grab whatever shoes and walk towards the kitchen, handing them to him.

"Thank you" he says kissing my head

"Is this for the new season?" I ask plopping down on the couch

"Yeah. We are talking about when we are starting and the script for it" he says shrugging

He takes the seat beside me while putting his shoes on. I was gonna miss working with them everyday but I had other projects that I was pursuing. There was a new show that I auditioned for and I had gotten a callback. I was very excited for it.

"Has anything been set yet?" I ask

"We find that out today. What about the new show? When do you go back?" He asks pulling my legs over his lap

"I have to be back on Monday and then we will have the discussion about moving forward. I think I'm gonna get it though" i tell him

"You definitely got it babe. Just go in there and kill it like you always do. I have to go but I'll be back later. You can stay here until I get back. I love you" he says kissing my lips

"I love you"


"So you'll be on vacation in a few weeks?" My manager asks

"Yes I will but I wanted to see about that one specific audition? Have you heard anything?" I ask her

"Well I've been talking with the producers and the casting director. They really like you and I think they are going to pick you but they still wanna do another screen test" she tells me

"That's great but why another screen test?" I question

"They wanna see how you get along with the other actors they've hired so far" she shrugs

"Who's been added to the cast?" I question

"So far Sarah yarkin, Rainbow Wedell, and milo Mannheim" she says

"Is the screen test still Monday?" I ask

"Yes. I will pick you up at seven am. Please be ready"


"Hey babe" I say typing on my laptop

"Hey. How was your day?" Gavin asks sitting next to me on the couch

"It was pretty good actually. I'm pretty sure I got that part I've been wanting" I tell him smiling

"That's great baby. When do you find out for sure?" He asks

"I'm pretty sure on Monday. How about you? How was your day?" I ask him

"It was good. It's weird not having you or Minnie on set" he says snuggling up to my side

"I still can't believe Jenny didn't bring her back" I say running my hand through his curls

"I know. You guys are missed" he sighs

It goes silent as I continue to run my fingers through his curls. His hair had definitely grown out a lot but I liked it. It was cute on him.

"I need a haircut" he yawns

"I like your hair like this. It's cute" I say

"I'm getting it cut tomorrow. Enjoy it while you can" he smirks

"Haven't i though?" I say back in a smart tone


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