697 10 1

Dylan Cameron

"Okay, Sean and David would you guys please set the table?" I ask as I take the pan of breadsticks out of the oven

They both jump up grabbing forks, plates, and wine for the table. After the beach, we all went to the grocery store to set the beach house up for the week. Of course, Sean made sure I got the stuff for dinner tonight but not before begging me to also make brownies for the night.

"So this is what I missed in the mountains?" Gavin asks coming up behind me

"This and a bunch of drunken conversations" I say looking over my shoulder at him

He smiles before leaning and giving me a quick kiss. I smile back before pushing him away to bring the food over to the table.

"You are an absolute angel" David groans while taking a big bite of pasta

"He's not wrong. I think you're the best cook out of all of us dyl" Chris says

Everyone silently agrees as silence creeps in. I pour myself a glass of wine before picking at my own plate.

"Watch out Gavin, you might be helping Dylan later with the stairs" Lola jokes

"Oh Shutup" I say jokingly

"Speaking of, when are we going out for the night?" Aspen asks

"Most definitely tomorrow. We can have a pool day and then we can all go out and do something" Sean suggests

"We also have Minnie coming tomorrow morning" Isabel reminds everyone

As the night goes on, I notice Gavin quieter than usual. It worried me a bit but he seemed fine as he talked with Sean and Chris.

"Ready for bed?" I ask him in a whisper

He nods silently and I grab his hand, pulling him up to follow me.

"We will see you guys in the morning" i tell everybody

"Aww come on" everyone groans

I give them a smile before pulling Gavin up the stairs. He followed behind silently before closing the bedroom door behind us.

"Something wrong?" I ask

I undress before grabbing a shirt and throwing it on quickly. I get in the bed waiting for Gavin to join but he remains still.

"Gavin" I say

He turns his attention towards me without saying anything. He grabs my face bringing me in for a kiss. It was slow yet so intense. It was overwhelming but in a good way. He pulls away, looking at me deeply.

"What was that for?" I ask out of breath

"You know I love you right?" He asks

"Yes" I say feeling uneasy with the start of this conversation

"I know that new show that's coming up is filming in Vancouver and when the new season starts, I'll be in North Carolina. I just don't want anything to happen to us while we are apart" he explains

I stay silent. I didn't realize he knew about Vancouver yet. I had just found out myself and I was nervous about the talk we would eventually have to have. I guess that talk will happen now.

"I know and I'm excited about the show but when I found out where we are filming, it made me nervous to tell you. We just got in a great place with our relationship and I don't want anything to mess that up Gavin" I tell him

"Hey, nothings gonna mess that up. I'm not going anywhere. We love each other and it's only six months right? We can make that" he reassures me

"You promise?" I ask

"Of course. I'm not gonna make another stupid mistake again. We are in this for the long haul Dylan. You're mine" he tells me

I nod not going against his words. He was right. We are in the for the long haul and I was more than happy for that fact.

He gives me another big smile before bringing our lips together again. This time it was more of a heated passion this time. It was very hot.

"Are you guys decent?" I hear Isabel ask from behind the door

She walks in with a hand over her eyes not daring to uncover them in case she seen something she didn't want to.

"We're good" Gavin tells her

I laugh at her antics as she slowly uncovers her eyes. She gives us a smile before walking in fully.

"What's up?" I ask her

"I have a little surprise for you guys. Bring it in" she says

Me and Gavin look towards the door in confusion as everyone piles in with Chris holding a sheet cake in his hands. He sits it on the bed as everyone crowds around with big smiles on their faces. I look down at the cake and notice it has the words virgin and a big red X over it. At this moment I can't help but laugh.

"You guys really went through the trouble to make an ex virgin cake?" Gavin asks amused

"Of course" Isabel says in a duh tone

"Yeah. You know since you're not a virgin anymore" Aspen says

"Thanks to Dylan that is" Sean says lowly

"Shut up" I say letting out a laugh

Gavin playfully throws one of our pillows at him as everyone laughs.

"Can we have cake now?" Lola asks

"Well, let's make like Gavin and eat" Aspen jokes

I almost choke on air at her words as everyone goes silent. Aspen starts cutting the cake unfazed by the silence that her words created.


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