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Gavin Casalegno

"Okay, last two pizzas are in the oven" Dylan says releasing a breath

She had a little sweat on her brow and she looked a little pale.

"You okay?" I ask her

"I'm fine. I think I should go sit down for a little bit. Can you handle the last two?" She asks

I nod as she kisses my cheek and heads towards the stairs. I start cleaning up the kitchen while waiting for the timer to go off.

"Smells good. Dylan really went all out" Aspen says looking at the five pans cooling off in the counter

"She loves cooking" I say loading the dishwasher

"Where is she?" She asks grabbing a water from the refrigerator

"She wasn't feeling too hot so she went upstairs" i tell her

"Is she okay?" She asks

"I think she's just a little dehydrated and drained from the alcohol. Before I start the cookies, I'm gonna go check on her. Will you take the last two out when the timer beeps?" I ask

She nods as I start heading up to check in Dylan.

"Dyl? How you feeling?" I ask walking into our room

"Not too great. I feel kinda lightheaded" she groans

I put my hand against her forehead and she's burning up. I pull away, heading back downstairs for a few things.

"I'm gonna grab you some things. Go get changed and I'll be right back" i tell her

Heading downstairs, I grab her a few bottles of water, along with a small slice of pizza.

"What are you doing? Where's Dylan?" Isabel asks stopping me before I can head back upstairs

"She's not feeling too hot but I think the pizzas are done. You guys can go ahead and start eating. I'll be back down later"


"You realize now you're gonna be sick right?" Dylan jokes

"I'll be fine. You feeling any better?" I ask holding her closer in my arms

"I don't feel lightheaded anymore. Thanks for the medicine and staying up here with me" she says cuddling closer

"You don't have to thank me. It's my job. You want anything else to eat?" I ask

"I would really like a cookie but that's the one thing I didn't get to make" she chuckles

I smile at her before kissing her forehead. I get up, grabbing her plate and empty water bottles before going to throw them away.

"She feeling any better?" Chris asks as I walk into the kitchen

Everyone was crowded around the kitchen island, making conversation. Everything had been cleared and cleaned up from the pizza dough and sauce.

"She is. I didn't wanna leave her alone but I wanted to make sure she had something to eat" I tell them

"Good but knowing Dylan, she had her heart set on these" Aspen says handing me a plate of cookies

I chuckle at the fact that she had took it upon herself to bake the cookies for Dylan.

"She just asked about these. I'll see you guys in the morning. Hopefully she feels more like herself then" I tell them

I head back upstairs and towards our room.

"Here you go" I say to Dylan putting the cookies beside her

"Aspen?" She asks with a smile

I nod as she grabs one, stuffing the whole thing in her mouth not wasting a bite.

"Good?" I ask amused

"So good" she says groaning

"I'm glad you're feeling better. What movies up next?"

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