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Dylan Cameron

Being woken up at four in the morning was very humbling. I've never been more upset than having an unexpected wake up call from both my alarm and one of the personal assistants from the show. I stretch and yawn heading towards my bathroom to wash my face. I had taken a shower when I got back to my room last night so all I had to do was wash my face and brush my teeth. I throw my hair up and put on some leggings along with a big hoodie. I knew my hair and makeup would be done once I got on set so I didn't have to worry about that.

"Ready to go?"


"Long night?" The guy who's doing my makeup asks

"More like a hard morning. I'm not used to being awake so early" I say

"It's not so bad once you get used to it. Excited to start shooting today?" He says chuckling

"Dylan we are ready for you" Charlotte one of the personal assistants says popping her head in my trailer

I nod before looking myself over in the mirror. I release a sigh before getting up and following her to the set. Our first scene is being shot at the school and then we would move on to whatever is next.

"Okay, this first scene we open up with Maddie sitting on the bleachers and Charley will introduce her to the rest of the group. Everyone ready?"


It was currently two in the morning. I was close to being dead. It was a long day but it had been very productive to say the least. We finished the first scene today and had barely started on the second before we wrapped for the night.

"Great work today dyl" rainbow says as I exit my trailer

"Thanks, you too. I had fun besides seeing how our characters turned out" I joke

"Yeah our characters aren't the best but I liked hanging out with you today. I'm a big fan" she smiles

"Thank you. I enjoyed actually being able to hangout with you guys too instead of being stuck behind a table" I chuckle

"That is true but I'll see you in the morning. Breakfast?" She asks


"So how was your first day?" Gavin asks as we both get ready for bed together

"It was good. We had to do a lot of the same scenes more than a couple of times but it was good. Everyone was super nice" I say as I wash my face

"When do you have to be back in set?" He asks

"I have to be back in an hour. I don't wanna get out of bed" I say groaning slightly

"You gotta get up and start getting ready dyl" he says chuckling

"How's filming been for you?" I ask sitting up

"Not bad actually. Being back on the beach and back living with everybody for the next few months is awesome. I wish you were here" he tells me

"I wish I were too. I miss you guys" I say giving a pout

It goes quiet as I start getting up to get ready to head back to set. After getting off earlier this morning, I came back to my hotel room and crashed. We had gotten a few hours off to sleep and then we are due back for the next 12 or so hours.

"I've gotta go dyl but I will text you whenever I can. Call me when you get back to your room. I love you"


"Okay, everyone take ten. Hydrate and eat then we start on the next scene" our director tells us as we finish up a scene

I get up from the bleachers and grab an apple from the snack table.

"Dylan" Milo says as he walks up to grab a bag of chips from the table

"Milo" I say smiling

I notice him eyeing the golf cart that sits in the corner of the field. I giggle slightly as his longing looks to the cart, looking as if he's dying to take it for a spin.

"Wanna do something fun?" He asks

"Wanna take it for a spin?" I ask looking towards the cart

"Duh" he says in an obvious tone

I run towards the cart, pushing him out of the way to get in the drivers side. He rolls his eyes playfully before joining me in the passenger seat.

"Uhh guys, what are you doing?" Rainbow asks

Before I can switch the cart on, Milo and I look at each other before turning our gazes towards her.

"Joyride?" He asks

"Thought you would never ask" she says climbing on the back of it

I giggle before switching it on and pushing the pedal to go forward. I start going in zigzags not really knowing where to drive. People looked mostly amused when we passed by them.

"Do you know where you're going?" Milo asks with an amused look on his face

"Just wherever I feel" I say with a smirk

"Let's go find nick and Kristian"

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