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"when is sean, david, chris, and isabel getting here?" lola asks sitting beside me on the couch

after explaining what happened between me and gavin, the girls thought it would be a great idea for a little get away until things cooled down. we decided on going to pigeon forge. i was more than thankful to be states away from all of my problems.

"the day after tomorrow. they have a few more scenes and then they'll be here for our getaway" i tell her

it falls silent between us as i watch the snow fall from the sliding glass door that our cabin overlooks. it was a beautiful sight to be able to take in.

"i'm gonna go change. if anyone needs me, i'll be in the hot tub"


i sit in silence as i sip on my glass of wine. i contemplate everything that's going on currently in my life. everything seems to be rushing by me.

"hey, i was looking for you" aspen says

i give her a smile as she climbs in beside me. it stays quiet as we face the snow covered glass. the snow was falling, covering the trees slowly as it comes down.

"i like this. we haven't been on vacation since the last time with your dad. how's he doing by the way?" aspen asks making conversation

"he's okay. i talked to him after we landed. i'm gonna go have dinner with him when we get back. i feel like i haven't seen him in forever" i sigh

"well, you have been busy. between shows and then on top of filming, i know it's been hard to navigate everything" she says sipping her wine

"i know. i just feel like i need a break from everything"

i finish off my glass before filling it again. i lean back deeper into the tub. i could feel myself getting more upset as i sit back and think over the last few days. i hated feeling the way i have been. i hated that Gavin still had this affect on me. it wasn't fair.

"ladies, it is time to get sexy and move out!"


"i can't believe i let you guys drag me out of the hot tub for this" i say as aspen hands me another shot

"well believe it. you are in a funk and it is up to us, as your friends, to help you feel better" minnie tells me clinking our glasses together

"now, drink up and have some fun"




groaning, i turn over grabbing my phone. i answer without looking at the caller ID.

"hello" i yawn out

"gavin" dylan giggles out

"dylan? are you drunk?"

"i am very much drunk. oh boo, i can't get up the steps" she says with sadness in her voice

"where are you? where's aspen?" i ask sitting up in my bed

"that doesn't matter. just know that i am really drunk and i am now stuck downstairs. i miss you" she says

"i miss you too dylan. i'm sorry about our date. i really-" i try to continue but i am cut off

"found her! let's get you upstairs yeah? who's on the phone?" i hear aspen ask

"gavin" dylan giggles

the phone clicks and i am met with beeping. i sigh before clicking dylan's name and sending her a quick text.

Stay // Gavin Casalegno (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now